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Back Issue - #28 Volume 7 Issue 4

The 'Cosmic War'
& Gurdjieff
Part I

What is the deep meaning of 9/11 and how will it affect the Work? The first of a three-part inquiry into Fundamentalism (Islamic, Christian and Judaic), the secular world and scientific materialism.

Gurdjieff's Cheek

How is it that Gurdjieff speaks so little about his father's murder, his family arriving in Essentuki "looking like skeletons" the Turkish massacre of Armenians?

Theater of Perpetual War

An in-depth look at an ancient people and culture that has suffered repeated massacres, as well as the two Turkish genocides, but continues to endure.

The Stray Dog

The legendary St. Petersburg cellar cafe, home to the city's intelligentsia, artists and writers, and Ouspensky's favorite, closed by authorities in 1915, has just reopened.

Book Review:

Journeys in
Islamic Countries

by J.G. Bennett

In September 1953 J.G. Bennett took an eleven-week journey through Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Armenia. His views of Islam, Sufism, the uelema are prescient and, given recent events, need reconsideration.

Film Review:

The Endurance

A documentary of Ernest Shackleton's extraordinary 1914–16 Antarctic Expedition shows the makings of Gurdjieff's man number five.

Film Review:

Genghis Blues

Paul Pena, blind San Francisco blues musician, travels to Tuva, lying on the border of the USSR and Mongolia, to take part in a throat singing contest. Pena wins in the kargyraa division, a technique used in the chants of Tibetan monks, and portrayed in the opening scenes of the film Meetings with Remarkable Men.

Online Exchange:

Ouspensky &
The Big Creatures

A passage from Ouspensky's Letters From Russia 1919 concerning the relationship between Nations and States, "big creatures," Ouspensky calls them, and individuals is explored in an online exchange.

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