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The Gurdjieff JournalLLC

Back Issue - #32 Volume 8 Issue 4

The Gurdjieff JournalLLC - Issue #32

Miss Merston in India
Part III

Miss Merston's spiritual journey continues. At long last she becomes a disciple of Ramana Maharshi, though for a time she feels drawn to the teachings of Krishnamurti and Aurobindo. In the end she realizes how her time with Gurdjieff became the foundation of her search and understanding.


The Making of the
Gurdjieff Trilogy

William Patrick Patterson expands on the relationships among the three videos, their underlying themes, and how and why the trilogy was made.

John Lester:
An Australian
at Gurdjieff's Table

An appreciation of Dr. Lester, who was a pupil of Gurdjieff, Jane Heap and Annie Lou Staveley.

Gurdjieff &
the Turkish Bath

Gurdjieff's Turkish bath was a vital experience for many who lived, however briefly, at the Prieuré.

Cannabis Sativa:
Visionary Medicine
or Blissful Poison?

Why the grass is not as green as it looks.

Film Review:

Talk to Her
by Pedro Almodóvar

An original questioning of the conventional boundaries of love and relationship in the Spanish director's finest film.

Art Review:

Max Beckmann:
Artist in Search
of the Self

Seeking the true Self in art by creating a bridge from the visible to the invisible.

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