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The Gurdjieff JournalLLC

Back Issue - #37 Volume 10 Issue 1

The Gurdjieff JournalLLC - Issue #37

Periods in the Life of Humanity

"There are periods of mass madness," Gurdjieff says, "often coinciding with geological cataclysms, which release a very great quantity of the matter of knowledge." Is this one of those periods? If so, what to do?

Olga de Hartmann's Days with Gurdjieff

Thirteen years to the month after meeting Gurdjieff, he gave Olga de Hartmann an ultimatum. Why? What was their relationship?

A Study of Gurdjieff

Professor Denis Saurat, a gifted intellect and friend of Orage's, spent an afternoon with Gurdjieff at the Prieuré. Here are his impressions.

The Nagual's Woman
Part IV

Carlos Castaneda worked hard to present a sorceric image of himself. Now his student and mistress of nine years gives another image.

Book Review:

In Search of P.D. Ouspensky
by Gary Lachman

The author of the new biography In Search of P.D. Ouspensky believes Ouspensky would have been better off not ever meeting Gurdjieff.

Film Reviews:

Sideways, Shortcut to Nirvana: Kumbh Mela and The Motorcycle Diaries

Three films, each in its way a cautionary tale of modernity.


The Society Akhaldan & Toro

Why is the neck of the Sphinx of the society Akhaldan made of amber? Is there any relationship between the Egyptian ankh and the society? And what of the tiny moon Toro and Anulios?


A transcript of questions and responses in Fourth Way meetings.

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