Gurdjieff & The New Age Part II: New 'Gods' in America
Ram Dass, Castaneda, Werner Erhard, ösel Tendzin and Richard Baker-roshi were the mega stars of the New Age movement in the 1970s. How each handled and was ultimately seduced by power is a cautionary tale for all seekers.
How Others Have Seen Mr. Gurdjieff Part I
Listed in chronological order from circa 1890 until 1924 are all the different ways that others saw and reacted to Gurdjieff.
Judas' 'Betrayal'
Gurdjieff first spoke about the esoteric meaning of Judas' act in St. Petersburg in 1916 and later wrote about it in All & Everything. Now in 2006 comes the discovery of The Gospel of Judas. Said Gurdjieff, "I do not often pray to God. I do not wish to disturb His Endlessness. But when I am drunk I pray to Judas. And I am almost always drunk."
Book Review:
Reflections from the Shining Brow: My Years with Frank Lloyd Wright and Olgivanna Lazovich by Kamal Amin
Arriving in 1951, Egyptian architect Kamal Amin spent 26 years at the Taliesin Fellowship. He gives a rare inside look at the relationship between Olgivanna and her famous husband and how she developed the Fellowship into a Fourth Way school.
Fourth Way Meetings
Negativity, Separation, Blame and Difficulty of Self-Remembering are some of the student queries explored.
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