Gurdjieff & The New Age Part VII: Swami Muktananda in America Part II
Muktananda made three world tours between 1970 and his death in 1982. In that time
he set up 550 meditation centers and 10 ashrams. He spoke with a great many people,
but one of the most interesting was Carlos Castaneda.
In Search of the Soul Part IV
How did Raymond Llull, Issac Luria, René Descartes, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke,
view the soul?
The Deep Question of Energy
A distillation of Gurdjieff's cosmology from the perspective of energy, beginning with
the Most Holy Sun Absolute.
How Others Have Seen Mr. Gurdjieff 194548
How John Pentland, William Segal, Annie Lou Staveley, Rina Hands and others saw
their teacher.
Book Review:
I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter
The long awaited follow-up to his Pulitzer Prize winning Gödel, Escher, Bach
in which he examines the notion of the Self or "I".
Film Review:
No Country for Old Men & There Will Be Blood
The Satan Idea that links Oscar winner No Country for Old Men and contender There Will Be
Blood. Could it just be perverted or repressed si 12?
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