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Back Issue - #49 Volume 13 Issue 1

The Gurdjieff Journal - Issue #49

Gurdjieff & The New Age Part X:
Franklin Jones to Adi Da Samraj Part II

Jones leaves Rudi for Swami Muktananda. Over the question of where is attention stabilized, Jones has a "Confrontation of Dharmas" with Muktananda. Now self-named as "Bubba Free John," his crazy wisdom teaching style brings student lawsuits forcing his retreat to the seclusion of Naitauba, a tiny Fijian island, from which he proclaims himself "The World Teacher."

In Search of the Soul

Beelzebub ended animal sacrifice by distorting Buddha's teaching that all living beings were born with Prana. Jainism took that distortion to a hyperbolic extreme. What is the Jain view of self and soul?

Politics at the Prieuré
Part II

Ouspensky and Orage not only vied for Gurdjieff's attention but also that of Rosamund Bland, Clifford Sharp's wife. Here are excerpts from her book Nine Letters at the Beginning of Ouspensky's London Work in 1921, and also Solita Solano's extensive letter of her meeting with Rosamund many years later.

Early Notes of Gurdjieff & Ouspensky Meetings
Part I

The notes taken by Bernard Metz of meetings in 1921–22.

The Conscious Circle of Humanity

Lord John Pentland's first talk upon his return to the Work after his heart attack. He speaks of the origin of The Fourth Way and that it works with a method other ways usually disregard.

Book Review:

Discovering Gurdjieff
by Dorothy Phillpotts

A pupil of J. G. Bennett in the 1940s, Phillpotts gives incisive accounts of how Bennett taught and her meetings with Gurdjieff in Paris.

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