In Search of The Soul Part X Buddhism Part II
Focuses on Tibetan Buddhism, its idea of "the mere I," and Gurdjieff's view of monastic distortions.
Gurdjieff & Food Part II
Americans spend a smaller percentage of their income on food than any other industrialized society. We are paying for it with our health.
Gurdjieff & Abyssinia
What was Gurdjieff's interest in Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia)? Bennett says his visits there were an important part of his searches.
Working in the World:Salvation
Scientology and other pseudo forms hold their students by offering them salvation and denying it if they leave.
Book Review:A Woman's Work with Gurdjieff, Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, Anandamayi Ma & Pak Subuh
by Mary Ellen Korman
Blessed with great energy, intellect and a thirst for truth, Ethel Merston's search offers a rare glimpse of what it was like to meet and study with many
of the key spiritual figures of the last century.
A Point in the Work
"Is the need for attention organic?" Lord Pentland was asked. So begins a new octave between teacher and student.
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