Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way: From Selves to Individual Self to The Self By William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 2 hours 35 minutes More Detail
William Patrick Patterson, a leading exponent and teacher of The Fourth Way, the ancient, sacred, seminal teaching of self-development, explores: Images of God. Bioplasmic machines. Science of Being. Egyptian Mysteries. Nature's trick. Many selves. Self-love's duality. Owning. Futurizing. Historicizing. Ray of Creation. States of Consciousness. Key practices. Embodiment. Direct impressions. Inner space. Self-knowledge and Being. Levels of Understanding. Using ordinary life to come to real life.
Introduction To Gurdjieff's Fourth Way: From Selves To Individual Self To The Self is a comprehensive 2.5 hour introduction to the Fourth Way on DVD. It is structured with an Introduction, three seminar lectures with questions and answers, and a film of the Gurdjieff Celebration meal. The Introduction offers a powerful and insightful critique of modern technology and the danger it poses to humanity and our individual development.
This is followed by the first seminar that considers how do we understand our potential vs. being a machine. This talk introduces Gurdjieff and his teachings, and discusses his search for wisdom and initiation into the Egyptian mysteries. It explains how Gurdjieff travelled the world to collect disparate elements of the teachings, and offer them to those who where ready to receive them. The key issue Patterson emphasizes in this seminar is how we need to escape the false personality, the machine, and wake up, experiencing being truly here.
The second seminar examines what Being really means. Such matters are continued in the third seminar and aspects of the teachings covered in each Q & A session. It is not easy to summarise what Patterson covers in this impressive series. He discusses everything from the multiplicity of selves to the states of consciousness, from self-remembering to the problem of being 'asleep'.
Patterson is an excellent communicator and does not pad out his talks with extraneous tales or anecdotes. He is direct and indeed could be said to speak from a "place of Being" rather than from an intellectual approach alone.
This is a challenging and thought provoking series of talks which will be of interest not only to those practicing the Fourth Way but to anyone who sees there is something seriously wrong with the modern world and understands change must start with themselves.
Robert Black, New Dawn Magazine
G.I. Gurdjieff is considered one of the most significant spiritual teachers of the 20th century. He developed a unique system of personal development known as the Fourth Way or the Work. He taught there were the ways of the Fakir, the Monk and the Yogi, and now there was a Fourth Way, that of the "Sly Man", which applied the best aspects of the three other ways and combined them in such a method that true awareness could be achieved.
To get a handle on the Fourth Way is not easy. Gurdjieff's published works are obscure and somewhat of an enigma. His magnum opus Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson is an allegorical work that borders on science fiction and runs to over 1,000 pages in length; for many it remains an enigma, especially to those beginning study of the Fourth Way. There are many introductions but most filter the tradition through the mind of the author, P.D. Ouspensky is considered one of the better interpreters of Gurdjieff's work, particularly in relation to The Fourth Way: A record of Talks and Answers to Questions Based on the Teaching of G.I. Gurdjieff.
William Patrick Patterson is the founder/editor of The Gurdjieff Journal, publisher of many significant works on the Fourth Way, and the producer of an award winning three part video series on the life and work of Gurdjieff called The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (it was seven years in the making and received multiple awards; [these DVDs were reviewed in New Dawn 124]).
Patterson has a clear vision of the Fourth Way and decries distortions of the tradition. In Taking with the Left Hand he denounces the corruption of the Enneagram into a pop personality typing system. In Patterson's earlier books such as Eating the I and Struggle of the Magicians: Exploring the Teacher-Student Relationships, to his latest releases, I found a unique clarity and insight not found in other Fourth Way titles. He avoids unnecessary obscuration and writes in such a way that complex subjects are more easily comprehended. This is significant considering the nature of the Fourth Way teaching.
Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way Vol. 2: The Movement From Sex To Love By William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 3 hours More Detail
William Patrick Patterson probes and explores: instinctual, emotional, formatory-mental love, conscious love, divine love, real relationship. Falling in and out love, bio-plasmic machines, false unity, sex as physical, emotional; conscious intimacy, passing beyond gender, exchange of vibration-substance, reciprocal maintenance. Eating and being eaten, futurizing, historizing, past living the present. Embodiment. Self-observation, self-listening, inner space. Origin of the Universe, its harmony and needed disharmony, being-Partkdolg-duty, conscience, esoteric religion.
Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way Vol. 3: What Is the Meaning of Human Life on the Planet Earth? By William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 3 hours More Detail
Filmed during a weekend seminar with William Patrick Patterson exploring in depth Gurdjieff's question of "What is the sense and significance of life on Earth and human life, in particular?" the Dialogue sessions probe the primary purpose of organic life on Earth, the receiving, processing and transmitting of energies, the developing and undeveloped image of God, vibratory electrical beings, societal beliefs of having an indivisible I and a soul, the "I"-of-the-moment, Adam's power to name animals, perfectly imperfect, living one's suffered truth, conscious egotist, Kesdjan body, esoteric Christianity, a Christianity before Christ, religion as wholeness, the teaching of our time, Consciousness without objects.
William Patrick Patterson is a teacher of G. I. Gurdjieff's esoteric teaching of The Fourth Way. He was a student for 11 years of Lord John Pentland in both the New York and San Francisco Gurdjieff Foundations, and also studied with Danish mystic Alfred 'Sunyata' Sorenson and western Advaita master Jean Klein.
With this background, Patterson developed a practice called "conscious-body-breath-impressions," and went on to write nine books and found the Gurdjieff Legacy Foundation and The Gurdjieff Journal (est. 1992). He has produced an award-winning documentary film trilogy on The Fourth Way and now oversees his Online Fourth Way School.
This present offering is Patterson's third introductory DVD on The Work and consists of one-hour probe and dialogue portions from three separate days of seminars conducted at La Casa de Maria Center for Spiritual Renewal in Santa Barbara, California.
The format is typical of many Fourth Way work/meeting sessions. Patterson speaks for the first half of each hour and then responds to questions and comments from the audience. It is obvious from the quality and depth of the questions that the students are not new to The Work. They are familiar with Work terminology such as 'Real I', 'Knowledge and Being', 'Self-Remembering', 'Identification', 'Kesdjan Body', 'Triad of Forces', 'Three Brained Beings', 'Intentional Suffering', 'Ray of Creation', and more.
While this DVD contains a great deal of significance to continuing students of The Work, it is still valuable to neophytes because of its very practical teaching. It is, however, recommended that one view the first two videos in this series prior to this one for increased understanding.
Patterson echoes many of Gurdjieff's aphorisms but adds additional insight in a straightforward and lucid manner with his words carefully chosen and exhibiting a mastery of the method. He answers the proverbial nagging question of the meaning of one's life and objectively concludes that organic life on Earth, in general, exists only to perpetuate itself in receiving, transforming, and transmitting energy.
However, human beings alone have the potential to do more-to develop themselves to internally function as a true image of God. This can only be done when they come to the realisation, after difficult and persistent work on themselves, that their ordinary lives have no real significance other than that of the rest of organic life, that they are not born with a soul but must develop one, and they cannot do that if they continue to merely live inside their heads in their imagination, self glorification, and self-ego.
The speaker reminds us that we must begin, first of all, to remember at all times that we reside inside a physical body and observe how it reacts to outside forces. We cannot successfully do this alone from reading or talking with others. We need a real teacher in the "lineage of The Work" and a work group to help us withdraw from our addiction to ideas and words and be present in the moment as we attempt to observe physical reality impartially. When we do that we may eventually come to see we are not one, indivisible 'I' but a multitude of little I's which we have no will to control. Interestingly, these little I's can be identified with the different Animals that Adam names in the Book of Genesis, and they respond differently at different times to outside circumstances. This, then, gives us a hint that biblical stories are not to be taken literally but as internal, psychological teachings.
Patterson concludes his third session on the video with the admonition that the various Gurdjieff groups have tended over the years to ignore the Master's definition of The Work as "Esoteric Christianity." He laments the fact that they have lost the realisation that real Christian teaching originated in pre-sand Egypt long before the ancient Egyptian society of our history books. He reminds us that if, indeed, there was a historical Jesus, he existed to reinsert into our consciousness the meaning and the value of "conscience" as a mechanism to actuate the same functioning in ourselves that operates in God and the universe as a whole. In acknowledging that The Fourth Way is a kind of religion in the broadest and fullest interpretation of the word, we are then in a position to appreciate the hidden esoteric meaning of the line in the New Testament that John the Baptist was sent to "prepare The Way" for the coming of the Lord.
A note of caution to the viewer of this video: As is typical with all meetings of authentic Gurdjieff groups, the three sessions included in the DVD are intense and loaded with valuable insights. For full benefit and impact, it is highly recommended they be watched on three separate days and not together at one sitting.
Owing to the circumstances of my life not dependent on me, I have not personally seen the grave where the body of my dear father lies. . . . I therefore, bid any of my sons, whether by blood or in spirit, to seek out, when he has the possibility, this solitary grave.
—G. I. Gurdjieff Meetings with Remarkable Men
William Patrick Patterson undertook a 21-day pilgrimage to visit Mr. Gurdjieff's father's grave in Gyumri, Armenia. Travelling backward in time, he revisited Gurdjieff's life:
Gurdjieff's grave and the Prieuré in Avon, France
Kumbaraci and Yemenici streets in Istanbul, where Gurdjieff and his students lived
Prinkipo Island on the Sea of Marmara, where Gurdjieff often visited P. D. Uspenskii
Tiflis, where Gurdjieff opened his Institute at 22 Nikolas Street and first named it the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man
Kars, Gurdjieff's home in the medieval quarter and the Kars Military Cathedral where he sang in the choir
Ani, the ancient city where the Sarmoung manuscript was discovered
Sanahin Monastery, Armenia, where Gurdjieff served as an acolyte
Gyumri, Armenia, where Gurdjieff was born in the Greek Quarter at 222 Matnishyan Street
Gyumri's Old Cemetery and Mr. Gurdjieff's father's grave
Not a book but a feature length DVD/film project, Spiritual Pilgrimage: Mr. Gurdjieff's Father's Grave by William Patrick Patterson is a profoundly evocative journey through the geography of Gurdjieff's amazing life, but also into his inner landscape.
Gurdjieff was about finding and living a vow—one's sacred obligation. His intended purpose was to merge the teachings of East and West and to bring them to modernity, and to account for the "sense and significance of organic life, and human life in particular." He sought to use the scientific "methods" of the west to elucidate and crystallize the mysteries of the east. And he paid a heavy price.
In his own book, Meetings with Remarkable Men, Gurdjieff wrote: "Owing to the circumstances of my life not dependent on me, I have not personally seen the grave where the body of my dear father lies....I therefore, bid any of my sons, whether by blood or in spirit, to seek out, when he has the possibility, this solitary grave."
So that William Patrick Patterson's DVD follows his 21-day pilgrimage to visit Mr. Gurdjieff's father's grave in Gyumri, Armenia. Travelling backward in time, he revisited Gurdjieff's life and, without "spoiling" the climax, he honors and restores the grave site of Gurdjieff's father.
In this way Patterson demonstrates a deeply held conviction and dedication not only to his teacher, and fellow pupils, but he actually weaves a thread that modern seekers and students can follow to get a taste of traditions and ways of being that are threatened with extinction. The film covers:
Gurdjieff's grave and the Prieuré in Avon, France
Kumbaraci and Yemenici streets in Istanbul, where Gurdjieff and his students lived
Prinkipo Island on the Sea of Marmara, where Gurdjieff often visited P. D. Uspenskii (Ouspensky)
Tiflis, where Gurdjieff opened his Institute at 22 Nikolas Street and first named it the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man
Kars, Gurdjieff's home in the medieval quarter and the Kars Military Cathedral where he sang in the choir
Ani, the ancient city where the Sarmoung manuscript was discovered
Sanahin Monastery, Armenia, where Gurdjieff served as an acolyte
Gyumri, Armenia, where Gurdjieff was born in the Greek Quarter at 222 Matnishyan Street
Gyumri's Old Cemetery and Mr. Gurdjieff's father's grave
This DVD is not a light and "positive" story; rather it is a heartfelt and deeply passionate tribute to an entire career and teaching, undertaken as lived experience. Watching it provides a brief and tiny glimmer into a sense of tradition, honour, and sacred obligation that is difficult to find in modern times.
With this book, his tenth and last, William Patrick Patterson completes his spiritual memoir. Eating The "I", the first part, published in 1992, focused on his experience with his teacher Lord John Pentland, the man Mr. Gurdjieff chose to lead The Fourth Way in America. Questioning what is the self in self-remembering brought Patterson to the Dane Alfred Sorensen, given the name "Sunyata" by Ramana Maharshi who saw him as a rare-born mystic. Sunyata told him, "The witness is a high state, but only a state." Through Sunyata, he met Jean Klein, the European Advaita master who holds that "Absence is the greatest presence."
With Teachers of No-Thing & Nothing, Patterson recounts his journey as not a journey but a realization of destiny of Gurdjieff's sacred, esoteric teaching of The Fourth Way, the process experienced from "I" to the highest level of non-duality.
Mary Ellen Korman, A Woman's Work with Gurdjieff, Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, Anandamayi Ma & Pak Subuh—The Spiritual Life Journey of Ethel Merston
Some 28 years after Eating The "I," Patterson completes his spiritual memoir with Teachers of No-Thing & Nothing. It gives an intimate diary-based continuation of a search which led to the opening of Consciousness beyond subject-object perception. He eloquently evokes the voices of his spiritual benefactors, Sunyata and Jean Klein, whose qualities of Being and Emptiness were the catalyzing holiness through which the fertile ground prepared by his teacher, Lord John Pentland, and Gurdjieff's sacred teaching of The Fourth Way blossomed.
Ron & Claire Levitan, Growing a Soul on the Planet Earth
A Fourth Way Teaching Book Itself on Many Levels
IT'S NOT A MYSTERY what happened after Eating The "I", Part I, or those of us actively engaged under the guiding direction of Fourth Way teacher William Patrick Patterson for we are the recipients of that Work. For others having read at the end of Part I that the author left the New York Gurdjieff Foundation must naturally create a question.
Patterson's most recent three decades have produced a serious and significant body of work, including ten books, along with eight films, four of them filmed on location in Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Egypt, Russia, France and England—and all focused on Mr. Gurdjieff and The Fourth Way teaching. But what exactly happened following the end of Eating The "I" and that period that begins these past three decades—of unflagging efforts and undeterred pace—that gave birth to such a profound legacy, inclusive of leading Fourth Way Groups, taking the role of teacher, giving talks, seminars, retreats, as well as founding and editing The Gurdjieff Journal while simultaneously writing books and producing films?
This tenth book, Teachers of No-Thing & Nothing, Parts II & III, an intriguing and revealing title, is not only a surprising response to this question but a deeply moving one. A spiritual autobiography and continuation of Part I—yes—but written in an uncommon style: chronological diary entries that include teaching dialogues from his two nondualism teachers (hence Parts II & III ), who Patterson refers to as his Benefactors: Sunyata, the Danish "rare-born mystic," given the name by the Sage Ramana Maharshi, and Jean Klein, the French medical doctor—both from the Advaita Vedanta Tradition.
Patterson couldn't have known at the time that he left the organized Work in October 1981 that his teacher, Lord Pentland, would leave the body a little over two years later in February 1984. And yet we hear, through Patterson's recounting of dreams, that for years afterward Lord Pentland would continue to speak to him, indicating the depth of their bond. What can now be seen as his introduction into the teaching of nondualism had already begun in April 1980 when he met Sunyata and heard him state in his simple manner, "The witness is a high state, but it's only a state." For Patterson, this was a new awakening—a catalyzing shock reflecting back to him in recognition that this is where one is.
His inner work thus far had brought him to the state of the Witness, one of conscious attention and inner emptiness. But don't we all believe that our attention is already conscious and consciously being directed? To understand what the Witness represents, we simply need to return to the body-mind sensation, self-observe and verify for ourselves that the ordinary state of attention is a mechanical oscillation between subject or object. That is, we are either all subject, me-myself-and-"I", or, all object, the attention projected outwards onto the world of objects, sentient or not. So, the impressions received are necessarily limited and partial. For the Witness, on the other hand, the weight of attention is grounded in Being, and comes to fruition only when the body-mind has digested the food of Work-on-oneself to a living inner emptiness and stillness. Only then, can the simultaneous subject-object Witnessing occur and its nature is the fullness of impartial perceiving.
Although similar to Part I, which presents the life story in vivid and revealing form, Parts II & III provide an illustration into the process of awakening—seeing, dropping and going beyond the person—but now from within a new context of deeper discrimination and impartiality—that of the Witness. The one writing and reporting on "Patterson" is possible only because he has gone beyond "him." It is rare enough to read a spiritual autobiography, and rarer still, one rooted in The Fourth Way, by "a man who takes on himself the role of teacher." [Emphasis added.] But Patterson does not obfuscate the quintessential problem to liberation: the person—no matter how rarefied the "I" that must be consciously eaten.
Through Sunyata, Patterson was availed of the beginning contact that would bridge the gap between the Work understanding of the many "I"s through to the Witness, and a forefeeling of the response to his own question as he states it, "...the perspective of duality no matter how refined did not answer the essential question I had been carrying all these years—what is the self in self-sensing, self-remembering, self-observation?" Although not formulated or assimilated at this point, Patterson is opened to a new awaring that the self in his question lies beyond the Witness.
The book provides a succinct life-story of Sunyata, born Alfred Emmanuel Sorensen, as well as numerous and delightful exchanges, events, happenings and one-to-one experiences with him. A number of darshans that Sunyata offered are colorfully portrayed, giving a taste of the many and varied seekers who attended—none of them resembling the types encountered previously in Gurdjieff groups he had attended starting in January 1970 when he first entered The Work. So different, in fact, that Patterson's first impression of them was that they "looked to be mostly low-lifers to no-lifers, their questions the usual safe 'spiritual' ones."
"Sunya had no teaching," Patterson says, "In fact, mention the word and he would laugh." But the full immersion into this "no teaching" began when Sunyata, whose name signifies full, solid emptiness, moved in with Patterson and family in May 1982. Faced with Sunyata's eternal ocean of Emptiness was crushing to "Patterson," the person, and he says, "It is one thing to see your teacher at a group meeting or Work day or having made an appointment, and quite another when exhausted and angry from the day's events and there is Mr. Nobody in all his 'full, solid emptiness.' You are completely full of the day, he is just the same as when you left him in the morning, having brought his tea and toast to his bedroom, in a word—empty."
But months later, Patterson understands, no longer as an idea, Gurdjieff's statement, "The last thing a man will give up is his suffering." To be in the presence of emptiness was to have reflected back the unending person-dance, until at last the parade simply begins to recede into the ground of Being, which he must continually reaffirm, assimilating this wordless teaching, until, as he says, "A simple quiet clarity strikes through all your centers—suffering is a choice." This is a taste of the realizations he would come to while living in the presence of this awakened Mr. Nobody, who among the many sages he encountered, received the radiance of Ramana Maharshi three different times and who in 1984 left his body at the age of 93.
It was Sunyata who in December 1981 gave Patterson Advaita Master Jean Klein's book Neither This Nor That, I Am, and introduced them in April 1982. While both Sunyata and Klein are representatives of the Advaita Vedanta Tradition, Klein had also studied a specialized yoga in the line of Kashmiri Shaivism, also a nondualist Tradition but differing with Advaita in its approach, although in essence not contradictory. Advaita regards the phenomenal objective world as an appearance within Consciousness, that is, it's an illusion, Brahman alone is Real; Kashmiri Shaivism, on the other hand, regards the phenomenal objective world as real and as One with the Universal Subject, appearing separate only from the point of view of limited subjects.
This second approach, transmitted through Klein, seems to have given a certain ground to Sunyata's Ocean of Emptiness—one that embraced Gurdjieff's teachings on Unity, the Law of Seven, Law of Three and the Ray of Creation, as echoed in his statement, "Matter or substance necessarily presupposes the existence of force or energy. This does not mean that a dualistic conception of the world is necessary. The concepts of matter and force are as relative as everything else. In the Absolute, where all is one, matter and force are also one."
With Jean Klein, Part III, the journey that had begun with Sunyata deepens. A vastly outwardly different representation of the nondualism Tradition, Klein had been a medical doctor, spoke four languages and as Patterson says of his initial impression, "spoke in a precise, intellectual manner." Klein tells him during their first meeting, "You are tired of the phenomenal." And as with Sunyata pointing out the Witness, Klein had shone a beam of clarity into his inner experiencing—the answer to liberation is not to be found in the phenomenal world of objects—not even refined objects.
Other than the scheduled week-long retreats and seminars throughout the year, there were no set ongoing meetings or darshans with Jean Klein. One gets the impression that Klein divided his time between Europe and the U.S., and so to study with him, one had to actively seek him out. As senior editor of a business magazine, Patterson often intentionally created business trips in order to see and be with Klein and soon began to help in the organizing of meetings and seminars.
Patterson is now being introduced to and immersed in a nondual teaching of Being by way of a special energy-body yoga that as Jean Klein told him, "is a pretext for sharing the Silence." Diary entries in this beginning period with Klein give the sense of two inner workings occurring—on the one hand a continuing exploration in opening to Being and Silence through the special energy-body yoga, releasing and emptying in the midst of shocks, while on the other hand the activity of a strong "doer," as though a demand, to make something happen for transformation to take place. But not to be lost on the reader: Patterson puts on display his "Patterson"—and how many of us could and would do that? We see and hear "his" wanting "knowledge," the various ways "he" manifests, and the karmic incident "he" carries since childhood.
Observing in himself this drive for knowledge, he says, "Each time spiritual knowledge has been my spur." But soon after, given his steadfast sincerity, factually accepting and admitting his experiencing, he comes to real questions and Klein responds, giving Patterson one of the most beautiful and luminous transmissions of Truth regarding Subject-Object Relationship. With respect to understanding, Klein tells him, "The real expression would be to be 'awakened in consciousness.' You must know it. But this 'knowing' is not a thought-form."
When Patterson first met Sunyata he had already come to what Sunyata called the "high state" of the Witness where the perceiving is true subject-object. Eight years later, after waiting four days for a private meeting, Klein tells Patterson, "You have the geometric understanding," meaning, as Patterson says, that he had "the intellectual and emotional understanding of the teaching but had not fully experienced it" and that this quality of understanding "is a higher reasoning, one that leads beyond objects to the ultimate subject." In one of his dialogues, Klein expounds on the meaning:
On the level of the mind, ordinary understanding, the nearest we can come to objectless truth is a clear perspective, a vision of the objectless. I often call this a geometrical representation. The contents of this representation are what could be called the facts of truth: that the mind has limits; that truth is beyond the mind; that truth, our real nature, cannot be objectified, just as the eye cannot see itself seeing; that truth, consciousness, was never born and will never die; that it is the light in which all happenings, all objects, appear and disappear; that in order for there to be understanding of truth, all representation must dissolve. When this representation, the last of the conventional subject-object understanding, dies, it dissolves in its source—the light of which the mind informed but could not comprehend. In other words, understanding dissolves in being understanding. We no longer understand, we are the understanding. This switchover is a sudden, dramatic moment when we are ejected into the timeless.
Having actualized the geometric understanding, Patterson later comes to the experiencing of "the gradient between the waking state and the subconscious lessening to the degree that the former is assimilated in the latter"—this is what Klein called, "the Blank state." Patterson describes it as "still in subject-object perception but where there was very little subject." Then, four years later, he is imprinted in the Being Reality that Klein, Sunyata, Lord Pentland and Gurdjieff had all been pointing towards. That is, he suddenly experiences pure Consciousness, beyond subject-object. As he says, "...suddenly there was no subject. There was no perceiver, no thought. Only perceiving—direct, global conscious perception-reception of what is present without referent to past or future."
"What was experienced," Patterson recognizes, "was Turiya, the fourth state of the Self..." And, it is what five years earlier Klein had been speaking to when he told him:
The moment there is a "watching" that projects energy in space and time there is taking, attaining, grasping. It is an activity whose source is memory, not being. But the moment you welcome the perception, you are in the receiving position and projection dissolves completely. And, suddenly, you are taken by your own presence (which is not a subject-object relationship).... It is the point of being completely free of all volition, personal volition. You are really a channel.
This realization of the transmission—Turiya—was the response to his question: "...what is the self in self-sensing, self-remembering, self-observation?" Gurdjieff could have easily said "sensing," "remembering," "observing," so why, "self"? ...In his inimitable way, Gurdjieff buries the clue in plain sight.
What can be so easily missed, given the format of diary entries in which Patterson is not narrating an interpretation of the lived experiencing, is that during the period from 1979 through 1989, Patterson had gone through five rewrites of Eating The "I". At the time, obviously, there was no "Part I" as a subtitle. So while Teachers of No-Thing and Nothing is about Sunyata and Jean Klein, it is deeply about the silent current of his spiritual roots in The Gurdjieff Work, occurring simultaneously as punctuated by the appearance of Lord Pentland in dreams along with the conscious and intentional writing of Eating The "I"— "wishing and willing," as he says, "to get as close to the bone of the truth as possible."
While the rational mind expects and even demands neat, straight lines in life, Patterson writes of the new direction his journey would take beginning with his "Charles Fort" dream in 1975 where Lord Pentland hands him an envelope containing a white card inscribed in calligraphy telling him, "It's one of the original invitations."; it is fated that he must leave the organized Work. Could it be he was being prepared since Lord Pentland would leave the body in 1984?... "Transmission," Klein told him, "doesn't mean doctrine. It is not the doctrine that is transmitted, but the Truth, the Truth of reality. Tradition in the real sense is That which is transmitted from one who knows, who is the Truth, to another who is also . . . but has yet to realize it."
Beyond the personal story of a teacher in The Gurdjieff Tradition, however, is something else of serious import regarding the deep message of this book as it relates to The Gurdjieff Work itself. If we consider the spiritual idea of being called, what is the context within which Patterson publishes Eating The "I" and begins these past three decades reconnecting the roots of Gurdjieff's sacred teaching of The Fourth Way?
The Gurdjieff narrative that had formed from the 1970s and 1980s was largely being defined in the public arena through a proliferation of faux Gurdjieff groups, communities, and Enneagram "scholars" putting forth concoctions met by a simultaneous New Age wave of young adults yearning with spiritual hunger. Even within established, authentic Foundation groups could be heard the incorrect notion in using the expression, "Gurdjieff-Ouspensky Work." Not only did these errors, deviations and distortions require correction but the great need for the wholeness of The Fourth Way teaching called for its expression reconnecting it back to its source: Gurdjieff
Sri Anirvan, the Bengali Master and Vedic scholar, once told his student Lizelle Reymond, who later became Madame de Salzmann's student:
All life is from the Void.... The Void is the matrix of universal energy. One has access to it by four stages. The first stage is to realize the plurality of 'I's; the second stage is the recognition of a single 'I'; the third, is no 'I'; and finally the Void. Uspenskii speaks about the first two stages in Search of the Miraculous. He remained silent about the last two because he had left Gurdjieff. The writings of Gurdjieff [All & Everything] open for us the frontiers of the two last stages. These are cleverly hidden in his mythical narrations.
But for those with a sincere Wish to awaken, the deep and great scale of Gurdjieff's teaching, accessible by the four stages, no longer remains a mystery or hidden. The real title of Gurdjieff's Legominism, as Patterson reveals, is:
ALL & Everything & No-Thing & Nothing
—Teresa Adams
Review in the January edition of New Dawn Magazine by Alan Glassman
Mr. Patterson is an author, filmmaker, public speaker, and teacher of G.I. Gurdjieff's Fourth Way Work. He was a student for 11 years of Lord John Pentland in both the New York and San Francisco branches of the Gurdjieff Foundation and also studied with Danish mystic Alfred "Sunyata" Sorenson and western Advaita master Jean Klein. With this background, Patterson developed a practice called "conscious-body-breath-impressions" and went on to write nine books and found the Gurdjieff Legacy Foundation and The Gurdjieff Journal (est. 1992). He has produced an award-winning documentary film trilogy on The Fourth Way and now oversees his Online Fourth Way School. (Excerpted from my New Dawn Issue No. 174 May-June 2019 review of Patterson's DVD entitled "What Is The Meaning Of Life On The Planet Earth?")
This tenth and last book, so Patterson proclaims, is an edited version of his diary, letters, dream accounts, and other notes from 1980 through 1995 consisting primarily of his memories from interactions with Sunyata and Jean Klein. It's a delightfully anecdotal read that includes numerous color plates of his paintings which, as he says, "...give a taste of the time."
Patterson begins with an account of how he first met Sunya aboard the then late Alan Watts' houseboat in Sausalito, California, and his immediate attraction to this enigmatic, turban-headed master when the guru told him directly that the "witness" is a very high state. Coming from the Gurdjieff Work as a student of Lord Pentland, this resonated with Patterson. Sunya continued, "States aren't real. They come and go. Only Being is real."
Our author juxtaposes the recollections of his personal, everyday life with his spiritual pursuits in an amusing, informal way of writing, putting the reader in a relaxed mood. He also addresses some very private situations not normally divulged by most writers who would probably shrink from exposing their true feelings and actions. The result is that we are encouraged to experience an intimacy with his life. Personal photos of family, friends, and teachers lead us to a closer understanding of the gradual development of Patterson's own Being.
Of real value are some of the more noteworthy and meaningful words of Sunya Bhai our author quotes, including: "We think we push and pull, but we are being pushed and pulled all the time." "We can only change our attitude toward things, not the things." "God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are nothing outside oneself." "There is only one practice, becoming aware of who you are." "When the male and the female truths function in a complimentary harmony within one psyche, the body (as a tool) will remain male or female, but the psyche will be aware of the harmonious wholeness of itself, freely functioning in the unitive mode of experiencing." "A little death now and then is salutary." "The deep psychic dis-ease in modern man and woman is the diseased, atrophied condition of the intuitive faculty." "Ego oblivion is Self-Awareness." "Consciousness is not in the body. The body appears in Consciousness."
It was December 7, 1981, when Sunya put a book in Patterson's hands saying, "Here, you'll like this." That book was Nether This Nor That I Am by Jean Klein. Patterson says, "I read it in one sitting. The thought was so clear, precise, penetrating, without embellishment. He wrote easily about that which cannot be spoken of. I was immediately taken, but then realized this Jean Klein, the author, was in Europe."
It was in April of the next year that Klein came to the U.S., and the two met in Berkeley. Patterson says that Klein reminded him of Pentland, and they ended up spending an hour and a half together on the porch of Klein's hotel room in conversation about many things, both esoteric and mundane. Klein returned to Berkeley that December and Sunya and Patterson both went to see him. Our author describes that, when the two masters met, all he mysteriously saw was a "white blur. Their images disappeared. Just this emptiness. Then they reappeared."
So began an association between Patterson and Klein that lasted well beyond Sunya's and Pentland's death, both in 1984. We are told that there was no essential difference between Jean and Sunya, both being described as "Teachers of Nothing." A few of the many quotes from Klein include: "Memory is only a way of thinking." "Don't go out to things but wait for them to come to you." "One has to see what they feed the body—both in terms of food and impressions." "What is transmitted is tradition. It is not words." "Watch for gaps between thoughts. They are not nothing." "Experience the body as much as possible. See the functioning—for when something is fully seen it is completely burned up....When you have sensation of the body you are no longer identified with the body."
In April of 1992, after many years of work on himself, Patterson tells us of having an experience while checking out booths at a fair in Santa Rosa, California, walking around while "in a state of self-remembering, that is in self-sensing and true divided subject-object perception, when...suddenly there was no subject. There was no perceiver, no thought. Only perceiving—direct, global conscious perception-reception of what is present without referent to past or future." Later, he realized that this "was the living answer to the question carried for so many years about Self." It was the full integration of body-mind-senses—"the fourth state of the Self, the Heart, in that the causal heart center of Nidra, deep sleep, is opened and made the center of consciousness."
For a period of time he could not recall, he had truly "Eaten the I"; he had found himself outside the mind seeing that in reality there is no moment, no time, and he was living only in Being. As Klein described it to him later, "It was whole. There were all these moving parts, but they were all related. Nothing, no one was separate. It was all One. You are outside it, seeing it, feeling it, taking it all in, and inside it, as well, but not identified, not taking it in as a person."
But Patterson goes on to say that state of "the witness" is only temporary and for most cannot be sustained if one remains in a body on the Earth. In fact, it would be dangerous to do so because one would sacrifice one's humanity. In a private communication between the author and this reviewer, he says he wrote this book "to prove that the Work combined with Advaita can lead to the highest level for a human being to reach without forfeiting his/her humanity", and adding, "Most people think they are in subject/object perception, but if we really are aware we will see the attention goes between the object and the subject over and over again because the subject is not relatively empty and so impressions are not directly processed. It is only when the subject, the body-mind of the being, is empty is there true subject/object."
—Alan Glassman
Price: $25.00
Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: The Man, The Teaching, His Mission By William Patrick Patterson
6 x 9, Softcover, 688 pp. Essays, Notes, References, Bibliography, Photos, Index More Detail
The author's ninth and final book on the Work is a comprehensive and factual account of Gurdjieff and The Fourth Way. Material from all of Gurdjieff's direct students and their library archives, much of it not available until recently, is assembled in chronological form as it happened.
The aim is to give an objective, panoramic view of Gurdjieff's life, the inner substance of the seminal and scientific teaching of self-development he discovered, and his unrelenting mission to introduce and establish this esoteric teaching in the West.
Included are Uspenskii's (original Russian spelling) never-before-published essays "Why I Left Gurdjieff" and "Where I Diverge from Gurdjieff"; original deleted material from Search; Uspenskii's American femme fatale, Carman Barnes; Jessie Dwight Orage's short stories "Elsie at the Prieuré" and "Elsie and Allah"; notes of Kathryn Hulme and Solita Solano (1935–39); The Science of Idiotism, and the complete scenario of Gurdjieff's ballet, The Struggle of the Magicians.
Definitive Scholarship & Critically Important Resource & Reference
An impressive work of definitive scholarship, Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: The Man, The Teaching, His Mission represents William Patrick Patterson's ninth and final book on the life and teachings of Gurdjieff and is fundamentally a summation of forty-four years of Patterson's researching, studying and applying Gurdjieff's teaching of The Fourth Way. A critically important resource and reference for students of Gurdjieff's work, it is an indispensable addition to academic library reference collections.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief, Midwest Book Review
Presents Tradition Without Distortion or Obscuration
I have spent a lifetime studying the work of G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky and while so many so called representatives of the tradition have modified it with new ageism or other religious systems, Patterson has always presented the tradition without distortion or obscuration. Having received his training via Lord Pentland Patterson's transmission of the teaching has always been incisive, clear and rigorous. Patterson has a prodigious output when it comes to publications, nine books (including this one), a magazine, The Gurdjieff Journal, four DVD's and The Gurdjieff Studies Program. He is considered by many, including myself, to be the most significant teacher of The Fourth Way today.
The book Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff — The Man, The Teaching, His Mission is a work of incredible dedication, it took over eight years to write and it is quite a tome, some 668 pages in length with 200 pages in supplements. Patterson offers an exemplary biography of both Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. It seems he had read every available biography and source materials and brought these together to write the most accurate and comprehensive biography of both men currently available. Exhaustively referenced this is really quite an achievement.
This feat is amazing in itself but this book is not simply a biography but an outline of the "Way of the Sly Man" or The Fourth Way. Patterson gives one of the most extensive expositions of The Fourth Way with exceptional clarity and succinctness. Being succinct is an art, it means ignoring literary pretensions and ego aggrandizement and using words carefully and with immense care. Patterson's way of writing is direct and without undue padding; others writing this volume would have made it three times the size, but Patterson writes to do a job and does it well. His outline of the nature of The Fourth Way shows a lifetime of study and practice and offers insights not found in any other similar volume.
The reference materials included in this volume are rare and include such never-before-published essays "Why I Left Gurdjieff" and "Where I Diverge from Gurdjieff"; original deleted material from Search; Uspenskii's American femme fatale, Carman Barnes; Jessie Dwight Orage's short stories "Elsie at the Prieuré" and "Elsie and Allah"; notes of Kathryn Hulme and Solita Solano (1935-39); The Science of Idiotism, and the complete scenario of Gurdjieff's ballet, The Struggle of the Magicians.
The book itself is beautifully presented as a 6 x 9 hardcover with sewn binding, essays, notes, references, bibliography, photos and a comprehensive index.
The most significant thing about Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff—The Man, The Teaching, His Mission is its focus. As someone who has read lots of books on The Fourth Way Patterson time and time again reminds us of the "why" of the tradition, that is to wake up slumbering mankind. This is not a book written for the sake of it but written for an age in crisis when we must examine our own lack of awareness, our own confusion and lack of a true self and consider making the urgent journey to forge a soul. This is clearly a difficult if not dangerous task but one which is becoming more and more mandatory in a world dominated by superficiality, consumerism and distorted forms of culture and spirituality.
Robert Black, Editor, Living Traditions
Exhaustive Compendium with Remarkably Strong Narrative Flow
Known for his self-development process for conscious awakening, the esotericist and spiritual teacher Georgi Gurdjieff (1872-1949) gathered a band of students whom he appointed to teach "The Fourth Way" in Europe and America. Patterson (editor of The Gurdjieff Journal; director, The Gurdjieff Legacy Foundation) follows up earlier books and film documentaries on Gurdjieff with this detailed, indeed exhaustive, compendium of primary and secondary source materials relating to Gurdjieff. The bulk of the main text of the book (over 450 pages in nine long chapters) is a chronological account of Gurdjieff's activities and lessons, consisting of extensive quotations from archival materials and previously published works by Gurdjieff, his students, and acquaintances. Patterson stitches these passages together with brief connecting paragraphs written in the historic present, which gives the book a remarkably strong narrative flow. The balance of the text includes numerous notable essays by Gurdjieff, P.D. Uspenskii, and other associates as well as a synopsis of Gurdjieff's unproduced allegorical ballet, The Struggle of the Magicians.
Steve Young, Library Journal
In Range & Depth Ranks with Moore & Webb
There are good reasons to read this hefty book, the latest from William Patrick Patterson, one of today's best-known authors of books about the spiritual master G.I. Gurdjieff (l872?l949) and his teaching, often called the Fourth Way.
Readers will find here an expertly assembled narrativea chronological mosaic of the activities, inner and outer, of Gurdjieff and his followers, pieced together from the records kept by many. The story begins with Gurdjieff's birth and quickly moves to the first dated entry, "13 November 1914, Moscow," which finds Russian philosopher P.D Ouspensky (or "Uspenskii," as Patterson spells it) sitting in a newspaper office noting a story about an upcoming ballet, The Struggle of the Magicians. The book then proceeds year by year, month by month, often day by day, ending with Gurdjieff's death on October 29, 1949, and his burial. In its range and depth, this account ranks with James Moore's Gurdjieff and James Webb's The Harmonious Circle as a vivid portrait of the great and enigmatic teacher and of the men and women he taught.
The Gurdjieff in these pages appears sui generis: a man of immense power, understanding, and ability, impossible to predict or understand fully"the Unknowable Gurdjieff" as one of his more celebrated pupils, writer Margaret Anderson, had it. Yet there are astonishing moments here that reveal something about him and, as Patterson puts it, his mission:
10 February 1936. Gare café, Paris. . . .Writes Krokodeel [Gurdjieff's nickname for his pupil Kathryn Hulme, who would go on to write the novel The Nun's Story]: "Gurdjieff gave us a pledge to say each time before beginning the new exercisethat we would not use this for the self, but for all humanity. This 'good-wishing-for-all' vow, so deeply moving in intent, had a tremendous effect upon me. For the first time in my life, I felt that I was truly doing something for humanity as I strove to make my own molecule of it more perfect. The meaning of this work, which at first had seemed quite egotistical and self-centered, suddenly blossomed out like a tree of life encompassing in its myriad branching the entire human family."
Or this:
1 November 1936. 11 rue Labie. Georgette Leblanc knocks at Gurdjeff's door. . . .
He steps back and leans against the wall, the light from the little salon illuminating him fully.
"For the first time," Georgette says, "he let me see what he really is. It was as if he had torn off the masks behind which he is obliged to hide himself. His face was stamped with a charity that embraced the whole world. Transfixed, standing before him, I saw him with all my strength and I experienced a gratitude so deep, so sad, that he felt a need to calm me. With an unforgettable look, he said'God helps me.'"
Even those sufficiently versed in the Gurdjieff literature to know of these events may find new material here, for included in the book are a number of historical documents that, as far as this reviewer is aware, appear nowhere else in readily available book form. Among them are two revelatory essays by P.D. Ouspensky, Gurdjieff's most famous student who nonetheless broke from Gurdjieff after only a few years of instruction: "Why I Left Gurdjieff" and "The Struggle of the Magicians: Where I Diverge from Gurdjieff." That Patterson has managed to find and present these essays continues his effort to make available to the general reader previously difficult-to-obtain documents, an effort begun in his book Voices in the Dark, the first public appearance of transcripts from Gurdjieff's wartime (WWII) meetings. Also included in this new book are such rarities as Gurdjieff's scenario for his ballet The Struggle of the Magicians and Frank Lloyd Wright's "Gurdjieff at Taliesin."
Jeff Zaleski is editor and publisher of Parabola magazine.
This Man's Work Is Incredibly Important But Gets Lost Due To Controversy
The book Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff — The Man, The Teaching, His Mission is a work of immense power and love by William Patrick Patterson, a teacher of "the Work," as Gurdjieff's teaching is called and the author/ producer of several books and videos on the subject. It is over 600 pages long (over 400 narrative with 200 supplementary) and is a painstakingly precise account of two figures little known in the mass media, almost overlooked in popular history, and yet who may have been among the greatest thinkers of their time.
Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (G) appeared in St. Petersburg in 1916; P.D. Uspenskii (as Patterson refers to him) met him shortly thereafter and it later turned out that Gurdjieff had sought him out for his writing ability and notoriety in intellectual circles to help build his following. Patterson has gone through the personal papers and books of Gurdjieff's students and G's own writings to piece together his early years, including his brush with death and his apparent teachers, as well as the society of seekers of which he was a member before he appeared in St. Petersburg. Patterson himself has written extensively about the teaching and some of the material, for example the section on the women who studied with Gurdjieff in Paris (a group called the "Rope") presumably echoes his earlier work, Ladies of the Rope. Patterson has also pieced together the early life of P.D. Uspenskii, including his own searches for ancient wisdom and personal relationships, and brings the two men together in the strange circumstances that were pre-revolution Russia, circa 1916.
But what is extraordinary is how Patterson describes Gurdjieff's method, wonderfully echoing Uspenskii's own description of how he was exposed to the teaching which is the spine of Uspenskii's great work, In Search of the Miraculous. Prospective students were introduced mysteriously and led to a strange space with Persian carpets and strange artifacts, where they met a man they each described as unique, powerful, insightful and with the capacity to see right through them. Everything was kept secretive and private. You had to know someone who knew someone to meet Gurdjieff and become a follower in St. Petersburg, and also later. It was also made clear that if one did not seize the opportunity to take advantage of the moment, one might never get another chance.
Uspenskii became convinced that Gurdjieff had access to ancient wisdom and wanted it for himself—but Patterson describes how at various turns Gurdjieff "played" with his individualistic personality to try to make him see his own habitual tendency – that is, to live in his head and not his heart.
The Gurdjieff/Uspenskii groups fled the Bolsheviks and survived many hardships, often through luck and more often through Gurdjieff's cunning understanding of human nature. Eventually Uspenskii could not continue to accept many of Gurdjieff's methods and peculiarities and broke away, although his wife continued on with Gurdjieff for some time.
Gurdjieff admired the energy and power of America and also satirized the materialism of the United States, and used his visits to raise capital by "shearing" the wealthy to subsidize the work and the lessons of the less fortunate. Patterson spans decades as he follows Gurdjieff to his Prieure (institute) in Paris and describes his methods of hard work to break the conditioning of students—intelligentsia would clean toilets and garden—and his conversations over meals and in cafes where students would toast themselves as various kinds of "idiots."
A major part of being an "idiot" is believing in the imaginary concepts of the mind as opposed to what one has gotten for oneself. At one point he hears Gurdjieff's voice in his head with nothing being said verbally. This is precisely the sort of "miracle" Uspenskii had been seeking and yet he needed to analyze it and could not simply accept it as a clear indication of his position under his teacher and his need to sublimate his own formative mind and the "need to know."
All of these mysterious aspects are hinted at and yet not posited authoritatively by Patterson, the consummate researcher and observer. What is posited is simply that such events occurred—the meaning and interpretation (the knowing) remains a mystery. Finally Uspenskii broke completely with Gurdjieff and founded his own school, first in England during the Second World War and then in the United States.
As Patterson calls the teaching a "sacred science," what Gurdjieff saw in Uspenskii was the ability to convey his "system" scientifically, due to his great intelligence. This would make it a bridge between East and West and comprehensible in terms of the Renaissance and Enlightenment in the West. Where Uspenskii fell short, apparently, was his own egoism and coldness—he did not seem to manifest Gurdjieff's own capacity for kindness and compassion. He did not live the Work as much as he seemed to relish the role of revered and admired teacher / writer.
Patterson follows both Uspenskii and Gurdjieff's personal journeys and describes the work of many of their followers, some self-appointed or anointed and others viable. One such personage is Lord John Pentland, who studied with both Uspenskii and Gurdjieff and later led the Work in the U.S., becoming the beloved teacher of the author.
As you read through the dialogues and studies you can't help but see the threads of modern New Age thought as well as teachings like Advaita and Nonduality, along with the historical motifs of Theosophy and mysticism that were concurrent with Gurdjieff's arrival on the scene.
For example Krishnamurti's teaching galvanized Americans, and Uspenskii is asked about him at one point: "He says a system cannot awake a man. Certainly it cannot. Mathematics cannot build a bridge. But if a bridge is built without mathematics, it collapses. If Krishnamurti keeps to this point of view–he will not be alone. Many people believe in spontaneous awakening, just be realization, and without a system and without following another man!"
Here we can sense the immensity of Gurdjieff's contribution in its effect on Uspenskii, a man who wants scientific proof of miracles but has been opened to the limitations of science by his teacher, Gurdjieff, who brought a system of "sacred science" that bridged the heart and formatory (left brain) mind (Ego).
It was no small feat that Gurdjieff attempted to introduce this system in the "Christian" west at a time when conventional religion ran the show. True Christianity was a sacred science which attempted to confront life in its full grandeur and immensity from a position of awe.
This is reminiscent of the "neters" of Egypt, where deities represented the organic reality of natural forces like the wind, sun, tide and so on, in which man plays his part naturally and without the urge to "conquer" nature. (Interested readers might look up Patterson's DVD, Gurdjieff in Egypt which traces the author's own journey to Cairo and his description of Gurdjieff's sources and influences.)
But where Gurdjieff diverges with modern Western religion is in its anthropomorphism and personalization of a "God." God and all of the vital life forces exist for Gurdjieff but at a level beyond man's scientific and logical comprehension. All is impersonal and impartial, even sex.
This goes against much of modern pop culture, psychology, conventional thought and religion and also rubs against parts of our interior conditioning— since we are committed to notions of romantic love. Gurdjieff's "love" is seemingly an impersonal and objective love of What Is –the Great System that he brings to light and tries to convey to his students both through his lectures and perhaps more importantly, through the drama that was his own Life.
In Patterson's enormous breadth of research and narration he truly delivers the reader into the full context of the historical period that is no more—before computers and the Internet –where these two men in fact anticipated such scientific wonders and saw the vast intelligence that is inherent in what Gurdjieff referred to as "Great Nature."
Many kinds of reader will profit immeasurably from Patterson's work. Interested seekers like me, who never fully committed to a "school" but were intrigued by the legend of both men and their system will gain a profound understanding of the meaning and sense of "the Work" including its historical context and the unique individuals who came in and out of the teaching. The tenor of the time is illustrated with wonderful photographs of the surroundings in early 20th Century France, Russia and the United States, and portraits the main players, along with the pithy commentary.
I am sure that direct students of the disciples of Lord Pentland's line to Uspenskii and Gurdjieff will gain a great deal more in terms of both historical context and insight to the machinations and methodologies of their teachers and fellow students. Again this amazing biography is a work of great tribute and love by a truly devoted student and teacher.
Tom Bunzel,
I wanted to thank you for writing the book G. I. Gurdjieff: The Man, The Teaching, His Mission. I've read up to Part IV and it is truly a gift.
Diana Bangrazi
Price: $25.00
The Life & Teachings of Carlos Castaneda by William Patrick Patterson
Notes, Chronology, Index, Appendices & Includes Daniel Brinton's 1894 Essay on "Nagualism in Native American Folklore & History", 290 pp. More Detail
Since Castaneda's first book, The Teachings of Don Juan, readers have wondered about his sources. Here, shown concept-by-concept, is the primary source of Castaneda's ideasGurdjieff's Fourth Way. Also explored are don Juan's true identity, the meaning of Castaneda's "jump into the abyss," the life of the Nagual and his witches. Also included in full is the first reference to Nagualism, anthropologist Daniel Brinton's essay "Nagualism: A Study in Native American Folklore and History" written in 1894.
"Although inclined to skepticism about Castaneda, I found myself reading The Life & Teachings of Carlos Castaneda with total fascination. As it tells just about everything, I imagine this will be the definitive book on Castaneda." Colin Wilson, author, The Outsider and The Occult
"Patterson brings original insight into the forces and influences that formed Castaneda's sorceric adventure. Particularly interesting are the role of Anaïs Nin and the revelation of the source of many of Castaneda's supposedly sorceric ideas." Mary Ellen Korman, author, A Woman's Work: The Life of Ethel Merston
"A must read for anyone who has followed Carlos on his extraordinary journey. The way William Patrick Patterson expounds on Carlos' teachings is astounding!" Margaret Runyan, author, A Magical Journey with Carlos Castaneda
"This is the most brilliant and insightful rendering to date of the 'Ultimate Impeccable Warrior,' Carlos Castaneda, my father." C.J. Castaneda
Taking With the Left Hand: Enneagram Craze, The Fellowship of Friends, & the Mouravieff 'Phenomenon' by William Patrick Patterson
Notes, References, Index, Appendices, 156 pp. More Detail
The first book to examine the spiritual theft and appropriation that marks our time. A detailed and well-documented study, it illustrates how the enneagram movement commercialized an ancient alchemical symbol, how Robert Burton, founder of The Fellowship of Friends, arrogated The Fourth Way teaching, and how Boris Mouravieff plagiarized and tried to appropriate it.
"A lucid and compelling account of conflict and charlatanism surrounding one of the most important alternative spiritual movements of our day. Indeed, one sees the crisis unfold before one's eyes, for the author does not hesitate to charge those he finds responsible for debasement of the message of George Gurdjieff with opportunism and self-inflation. This book is important as a 'white paper' for those concerned about the broader Gurdjieff movement, and as a case study for all students of contemporary spiritual movements." Robert S. Ellwood, Chairman, Dept. of Religion, University of Southern California.
"William Patrick Patterson's Taking With the Left Hand deals with esoteric teachings in a modern context. In this collection of three essays about various aspects of the legacy of the influential spiritual teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff, the author tackles the enneagram craze, the teachings of Boris Mouravieff and a Gurdjieff splinter group, expanding his discussion of these relatively parochial issues to raise more universal questions about the nature and transmission of spiritual truth."
Publishers Weekly
"Taking With the Left Hand is quite remarkable. I have read it with great pleasure. Patterson always writes absorbingly, and there is no one in the field of Gurdjieff/Oupensky studies that I respect more, or regard as having more authority."
Colin Wilson, author, From Atlantis to the Sphinx
Price: $15.00
Ladies of the Rope: Gurdjieff's Special Left Bank Women's Group - Italian Translation, not available in English by William Patrick Patterson
Photos, Notes, Chronology, References, Index, 375 pp. More Detail
This is the first book to examine the Rope, the ladies-only group of spiritual seekers, all lesbians except one, that G.I. Gurdjieff formed on Paris' Left Bank. During his thirty-seven years of work in the West, Gurdjieff's creation of the Rope remains his most enigmatic. The conclusions reached by the author about why Gurdjieff created the Rope are as original as they are surprising and will be of serious interest to those involved with feminine spirituality in all its many forms.
Price: $25.00
Struggle of the Magicians: Exploring the Teacher-Student Relationship - Greek Translation by William Patrick Patterson
Notes, References, Index, 319 pp.
Explores the teacher-student relationship as seen through the lives of Gurdjieff and Uspenskii. "The tension between the richly contrasting personalities of Gurdjieff and Uspenskii is a cameo of the problems with which the personal transformation tradition has had to contend....[A] finely-told chronicle of a classic event in occult history, set against the backdrop of overwhelming dramatic, historic events, effectively set into the narrative as date-lines." Robert S. Ellwood, Chairman, Dept. of Religion, University of Southern California.
Price: $50.00
Taking With the Left Hand: Enneagram Craze, The Fellowship of Friends, & the Mouravieff 'Phenomenon' - Japanese Translation by William Patrick Patterson
Notes, References, Index, Appendices, 185 pp.
The first book to examine the spiritual theft and appropriation that marks our time. A detailed and well-documented study, it illustrates how the enneagram movement commercialized an ancient alchemical symbol, how Robert Burton, founder of The Fellowship of Friends, arrogated The Fourth Way teaching, and how Boris Mouravieff plagiarized and tried to appropriate it.
Price: $50.00
Excursions: Essays For All Seasons by Kamal Amin
169 pp. More Detail
Collection of Amin's essays. An Egyptian-American architect, he spent eight years training with Frank Lloyd Wright.
Price: $25.00
Learning to Love: On The Way of Experience by Barbara Wright George
139 pp. More Detail
A memoir of a student and group leader of Lord John Pentland, Barbara Wright George illuminates the possibility of positive change, through study. A series of experiments in self-study, Learning to Love brings a lifetime of rich experience to the question: Can I love every aspect of my life, even the most difficult?
Price: $16.00
All and Everything: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson by G.I. Gurdjieff
Hardcover, 1238 pp. More Detail
Gurdjieff's magnum opus, an esoteric jewel. Said A.R. Orage: "It is really an objective work of art, of literature of the highest kind; it is in the category of scripture." A must-read for all serious students of The Fourth Way.
Price: $55.00
Guide & Index to Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
Hardcover, 564 pp. More Detail
This new and long-awaited second edition references all editions of Beelzebub's Tales, including the classic edition of 1950 and the later 1992 and 1999 editions. It also includes page correlation with foreign language editions, as well as a pronunciation guide, background notes and missing or variant text.
Price: $60.00
Pronunciation Guide to Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
CD-ROM More Detail
The voices of seven speakers, four of whom were present at readings attended by Mr. Gurdjieff, pronounce each of the unusual words appearing in the First Series. Of the three remaining speakers, one spoke both Armenian and Persian as a child; another is fluent in English and Slovenian; and a third speaks only English. The CD-ROM plays on either a PC or MAC.
Price: $20.00
Diary of Madame Egout Pour Sweet: With Gurdjieff in Paris 1948-1949 by Rina Hands
Hardcover, photographs, 88 pp. More Detail
Details Gurdjieff's "Science of the Idiots" toasts. Floor plan of Gurdjieff's apartment. Meeting with John Pentland.
A pupil of J.G. Bennett, Rina Hands was given the honorary title of "égout," a French word for sewer or drain, by Mr. Gurdjieff. Present at his dinners in the last year of his life, she has a deep experience with his toasting to 21 different idiots; "The Science of Idiots," he calls it. Sitting in Gurdjieff's dining room she recounts, for example, how when the toast came to all Compassionate Idiots, he suddenly asked her, "You, Blonde therenatural or not I never knoware you Compassionate Idiot?" Later, she learns from Bennett that the whole of Beelzebub was being retyped. Knowing how to make herself useful, Hands offers her services as a typist and so goes to Gurdjieff 's apartment each day, "taking part in whatever was going on at the time."
Of Jokes & Idiots
And so we sit with the author at the lunches and dinners, hear Mr. Gurdjieff recounting his English, Scottish and Irish jokes and, of course, toasting to the idiots, the toasts usually not getting beyond nine or ten idiots. (Mr. Gurdjieff says he is Idiot No. 17.) Recounted are Gurdjieff 's insights into the various idiots. For example, there are three kinds of Compassionate Idiot. The first sees a man in need of help and immediately helps him, even giving him his own shirt. The second does exactly the same, but only because his fianceé's father is observing. The third kind, says Gurdjieff, "So-so-so, sometimes he gives and sometimes not, depending on many things, perhaps even the weather."
Loving One's Parents
One day Lord Pentland, his wife, Lucy, and young daughter, Mary, came to lunch. Mary sat by her mother's side and just in front of Gurdjieff. She became very bored. Suddenly, Gurdjieff spoke to her: "In life never possible do everything." Having puzzled the child, he points to the mess she has made at the table. "On my table you cannot make this mess. Perhaps at home Mother permits." If she wants to act this way, she is to stay home. But then she won't be able to be here. "So you see," he says, "you can never do everything." In the evening at the end of dinner, Gurdjieff asked the little girl, "Who do you respect the most?" Her mother has to interpret: "Who do you think is the most important person here?" Without a moment's hesitation, Mary replied, "My Daddy." Gurdjieff beamed: "I am not offended. God is not offended either." He explained that he who loves his parents, loves God. If people love their parents when they are alive, then, when their parents die, "there is a space left in them for Him to fill." He patted her on the shoulder and said, "For my aim, I want twenty such. If I had twenty like her, I get my aim. Not because she special, but because she not spoilt."
A Word on Gurdjieffian Idiots
Whoever has contact with reality is an Idiot, the word having two meanings: 1) to be oneself; 2) being so, to those in illusion, such a one behaves like an idiot. From ordinary man to God, idiots comprise 21 gradations of reason. Among the idiots are: ordinary; super; arch; hopeless; compassionate; squirming; square; round; zigzag; enlightened, doubting; swaggering, born; patented; psychopathic; polyhedral. Idiots 17-21 constituted a spiritual hierarchy; 21 being the reason of God; idiots 19 and 20, the sons of God. Idiot 18 was the highest development of reason with which a human being could resonate. Having attained #17, to go on, the individual had to descend to the reason of Idiot #1, that of the ordinary idiot. Some say it happens with #10.
A Woman's Work With Gurdjieff, Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, Anandamayi Ma & Pak Subuh by Mary Ellen Korman
Photos, Appendices, Notes, Bibliography, Index, 324 pp. More Detail
The spiritual life story of Ethel Merston based on her diaries and recollections is an important historical work, as well as a keen insight into many of the seminal teachers of her times. Merston was one of Gurdjieff's first English pupils and lived at the Prieuré from 1922 until 1927. Her seriousness and organizational abilities led Gurdjieff to put her in charge in his absences. Fritz Peters gives a wonderful account of what she had to put up with (he gives her the name Miss Madison) in his Boyhood with Gurdjieff. In India, she lived at Ramana Maharshi's ashram for many years. She gives a first-person account of his death and also the meeting between The Mother and Sri Aurobindo and Anandamayi Ma (with whom she often traveled). She also attended many of Krishnamurti's talks and seminars in the 1930s, was a friend of Sunyata, Alain Daniélou, Krishna Prem and Swami Omananda. In the 1950s she was initiated into Subud by Pak Subuh at J. G. Bennett's Coombe Springs study house. At Mendham, she met again her friends from her Gurdjieff daysMme de Salzmann, Mme Ouspensky, Olga de Hartmann and Peggy Flinschand was introduced to Lord John Pentland.
"The life of a seeker of truth, Ethel Merston, is recounted in this English language book. Her extraordinary quest for enlightenment which led her to meet many of the eminent spiritual figures of the last century: G. I. Gurdjieff (and others in the Fourth Way, to which she remained faithful her whole lifeP. D. Ouspensky, J. G. Bennett, Mme de Salzmann and Lord Pentland), Krishnamurti, Anandamayi Ma, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Ramana Maharshi, to name only a few. We follow her on her voyage from bourgeois England to the heart of India, a voyage as much exterior as interior. Her journal, kept daily, serves as Ariadne's thread for the author of the biography, who presents Ethel Merston's impressions and comments restored to us in all their freshness, and what each encounter brought forth in her. With Gurdjieff, she learned of the separation between the "I" and the "it," that is to say to realize that "it" thinks in us, that "it" moves, that "it" reacts, all automatically. This teaching was for her a valuable tool of discrimination in all her future encounters. She wasn't touched by Krishnamurti's teaching, although she found in it emphases on the conditioned mental process familiar to her. Of particular interest are her direct accounts of a meeting between Krishnamurti and Anandamayi Ma, who questioned Krishnamurti about the reason for his refusal of gurus, and the meeting between Anandamayi Ma and The Mother of Auroville. But it is Ramana Maharshi who made the greatest impression on her: "The idea of time is only in your mind. It is not in the Self. There is no time for the Self. Time arises as an idea after the ego arises. You exist even in the absence of time and of space." Of this Ethel Merston wrote: "All was new for me." She would return regularly to Ramana Maharshi's ashram, even being present at his death. The biography makes clear the differences between the teachings, and the bearers of these teachings, as experienced by Ethel Merston. It is thus a first hand testimony of evolved beings, with strong references to contemporary spirituality, as well as the impressions of a woman animated by the wish to awaken, with her doubts, incomprehensions, rejections and resistances, and her flashes of understanding, her maturing. An interesting work, reflecting an epoch and a search." Revue 3e millénaire
"There are few comprehensive accounts of individual Western pioneers who were interested in Indian spirituality in the first part of the 20th century. Ethel Merston left an intimate record of her journey as she constantly questioned and searched for a remedy to relieve the malady of her soul. We owe to Mary Ellen Korman our appreciation for chronicling that time and bringing to life many of the people Ethel Merston encountered, and who we never quite knew as fellow seekers committed to the search for higher truths." The Mountain Path, The Journal of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
"I found Ethel Merston's life story fascinating. The narrative completely absorbed me and I was captivated from the first sentence by both substance as well as style. Ethel Merston was an exceptional individual and it is wonderful that her story has finally been told. An important work with considerable research." Ram Alexander, Author, Death Must Die: A Western Woman's Life-Long Spiritual Quest with Shree Anandamayee Ma
"The prose is seamless. Mary Ellen Korman has done exemplary work combining her own writing with that of Miss Merston who kept a diary of her life, travels, and reflections. Passages from this diary and other works are introduced into the narrative. The two voices are one voice, rather like the chanting of one of those Tibetan monks who is able to intone both a tone and an overtone in one breath simultaneously." John Robert Colombo, author, Poems of Space and Time and O Rare Denis Saurat
Price: $15.95
Growing a Soul on the Planet Earth: The Fourth Way & Esoteric Christianity Techniques & Practices by Ron and Claire Levitan
Softcover, 173 pp. More Detail
A small book but a deep investigation of a subject that concerns all human life. In the chapter on Christianity, the authors explore a little known quote of St. Augustine who says there was a Christianity before Jesus Christ.
Price: $16.00
A.R. Orage's Commentaries on Gurdjieff's All & Everything edited by C.S. Nott
Hardcover, 136 pp. More Detail
With his customary penetrating insight and lucid command of the English language A.R. Orage, the man Gurdjieff called "my brother," and the editor of All & Everything, provides a perspective and scale revealing riches previously considered inaccessible to all but initiates. Nott was Orage's good friend and a longtime student of Gurdjieff.
Price: $25.00
Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution by P. D. Ouspensky
128 pp. More Detail
Includes the original five lectures which Ouspensky gave outlining many of the major ideas of self-transformation and describes how a seeker must work simultaneously on his knowledge and his being to find inner unity and why, although his development depends on his own efforts, this is very difficult to achieve without guidance from a School. Also included is a lecture and question and answer session on September 23, 1937 in which Ouspensky discusses Fragments of and Unknown Teaching (later published as In Search of the Miraculous), and why he left Gurdjieff.
Price: $12.00
Line of Sight: Work with Lord Pentland by Barbara Probst
80 pp. More Detail
These reflections from Barbara Probst's years as Lord Pentland's secretary are a unique and valuable example of how he brought many subtleties of the Gurdjieff Teaching into daily life.
Price: $20.00
The Art in a Craft By Harry Remde
23 pp. More Detail
A gem of a small book filled with practical wisdom drawn from the author's own craft of pottery. Above all, for Harry Remde, a craft is the study of how to be, and what is discovered may be applied to every aspect of one's life from cooking to dancing. The author's description and application of three inner laws of building is unique and surprising. He calls them simply the law of the body, the law of the head and the law of the emotions. A special effort of attention is needed to fulfill these principles. Artifacts made in this way are said to be rare and as marvelous as light. Life lived in this way is said to be equally rare and marvelous.
Price: $25.00
The Plan Is Good: Selected Writings by Annie Lou Staveley
265 pp. More Detail
The writings contained in the book were written over a period of 30 years. They appeared as themes for practical study on Sunday Work days at Two Rivers Farm, as articles for various Work journals and other publications, as instructive notes to individual groups at Two Rivers Farm, as forwards to books, as articles sent to Gurdjieff groups around the world and as personal letters to friends and students. Many of these writings have never been published or publicly accessible until now. Each offers a unique side view of the immense depth of her understanding of human life and her method of transmitting it through the written word. May they serve you as a beacon of light in your individual search for being.
"People often speak of the difficulties they have in formulating their aims," she begins a morning talk. "That is because they start from idea, from thought. Aim is not an idea, though it has thought in it. Aim must be feeling-plus-thought. Start from picture—from feeling."
Price: $7.00
Fourth Way Themes - Volume I by A.L. Staveley
99 pp. More Detail
How to focus attention in practical ways during everyday life is explored in these three volumes by A.L. Staveley at her work groups. A pupil of Jane Heap's in London during the Second World War, Mrs. Staveley also met G.I. Gurdjieff afterward and attended his meetings and dinners.
Price: $27.00
Fourth Way Themes - Volume II by A.L. Staveley
115 pp. More Detail
Volume II of 3 volumes. How to focus attention in practical ways during everyday life is explored in these three volumes by A.L. Staveley at her work groups. A pupil of Jane Heap's in London during the Second World War, Mrs. Staveley also met G.I. Gurdjieff afterward and attended his meetings and dinners.
Price: $27.00
Fourth Way Themes - Volume III by A.L. Staveley
175 pp. More Detail
Volume III of 3 volumes.
Price: $27.00
Memories of Gurdjieff by A.L. Staveley
74 pp. More Detail
A pupil of Jane Heap in London from 19391959, Annie Lou Staveley met Gurdjieff after the Second World War. She gives a vivid first-hand portrait of Gurdjieff and the way in which he taught in these closing years. "If you were brave enough," she writes, "desperate enough, alert enoughor even, on occasion, surprised enoughyou might see a reflection of what he saw at that moment for yourself; that is, the human condition as it appeared in one atom of humanityyourself."
Price: $25.00
All and Everything: Beelzebub's Tales read by Dr. Welch (CD-MP3) by G.I. Gurdjieff read by Dr. Welch
CD-MP3 More Detail
Dr. William Welch was a longtime student of Gurdjieff and a noted Fourth Way teacher. This project, the first of its kind, was begun in 1992 and lasted three years, two years before his death. This set of four CDs in MP3 format contains the whole of Gurdjieff's magnum opus. The CDs can be played on a computer or other device equipped to handle the MP3 format. They cannot be played on an ordinary audio CD player.
Price: $60.00
The Fourth Way Used Esoteric Books
A Journal of Our Time: Number 2, 1979
First Edition. Soft Cover, 84 pp. More Detail
Traditional Studies Press, Toronto, 1979
Book Condition: Good. Scuffing and light shelfwear to cover, pages bright and unmarked. Included are essays by Martha Heyneman, Louise Welch, Ravi Ravindra, Jessmin Howarth and others, as well as poems and a book review.
ID: 7363
Price: $12.00
Guide and Index to Gurdjieff's All and Everything: Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
Second Edition. Hardcover, 564 pp.; Louise M. Welch, Ed. More Detail
Traditional Studies Press, Toronto, 2003
Book Condition: Book: Very Good. Revised and expanded edition that can be used with all editions of Beelzebub's Tales. Solid copy with some underlining, most pages clean. DJ: Fine. Small closed tear at top otherwise as new.
ID: 7524
Price: $68.00
Maitreya 6: Order
Soft Cover, 103 pp.; Edited by Vincent G. Stuart More Detail
Shambhala, Boulder, CO, 1977
Book Condition: Good+. Ten essays on the ways man may bring order into being. Some dampstaining to cover, light shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7385
Price: $10.00
Material for Thought #10 Fall 1983
Soft Cover, 96 pp. More Detail
Far West Editions, San Francisco, 1983
Book Condition: Near Fine. Light shelfwear, clean pages.
Book Condition: Near Fine. Pages clean and unmarked. Some shelfwear.
ID: 9108
Price: $12.00
Material for Thought, #6, Spring 1976
Soft Cover. 96 pp. More Detail
Far West, San Francisco, 1976
Book Condition: Near Fine. Articles on the process of creation, the life of Milarepa, and notes on alchemy, among others. Light shelfwear, pages bright and unmarked.
ID: 7510
Price: $16.00
Material for Thought, No. 4, Summer 1972
Softcover, 3.5 x 8, 63 pp. More Detail
Far West, San Francisco, 1972
Book Condition: Very Good. Cover clean with some sunning, pages unmarked, stapled binding fully intact.
ID: 3111
Price: $9.00
The Bookman: Vol. 73
Hardcover, 668 pp. Contains Index to Volume LXXIII More Detail
Bookman Publishing Co., New York, 1931
Book Condition: March-August 1931. Very Good. Boards clean with minimal shelfwear. Pages tight but tanned. Library stamps on inside cover and title page. Contains article entitled "The Last Days of Katherine Mansfield" by Olgivanna Lloyd Wright.
ID: 5317
Price: $25.00
East Meets West John Adago
Soft Cover, 162 pp. More Detail
Shepheard-Walwyn, London, 2014
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, else as new.
ID: 7515
Price: $12.00
Katherine Mansfield: A Biography Antony Alpers
Hard Cover, 376 pp. More Detail
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1954
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Clean pages. DJ: Near Fine. Mylar protected.
ID: 2639
Price: $18.00
Reflections from the Shining Brow: My Years with Frank Lloyd Wright and Olgivanna Lazovich Kamal Amin
Soft Cover. 264 pp. More Detail
Fithian Press, Santa Barbara, CA, 2004
Book Condition: Fine. Creasing on cover, otherwise as new.
ID: 5990
Price: $14.00
The Unknowable Gurdjieff Margaret Anderson
Soft Cover, 212 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, New York, 1973
Book Condition: Very Good. Clean cover with price sticker, creased spine, pages bright and unmarked.
ID: 7464
Price: $12.00
A Point in the Work: A Continuation of the Work of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky & Maurice Nicoll Anonymous
Softcover, 483 pp. More Detail
Work Books, London, 1985
Book Condition: Good. Creases to cover, foxing to text block, pages unmarked.
ID: 7307
Price: $26.00
Everyday Spirits David Appelbaum
Soft Cover, 195 pp. More Detail
State University of New York Press, Albany, 1993
Book Condition: Very Good+. Clean copy with light shelfwear, pages unmarked.
ID: 7374
Price: $9.00
Making the Body Heard: The Body's Way Toward Existence David Appelbaum
Hardcover; 207 pp. More Detail
Peter Lang, New York, 1988
Book Condition: As New. No dj as issued.
ID: 7367
Price: $65.00
The Stop David Appelbaum
Hardcover, 154 pp. More Detail
State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1995
Book Condition: As New. Appears unread, no dj as issued.
ID: 7373
Price: $28.00
The Stop David Appelbaum
Soft Cover, 154 pp. More Detail
State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1995
A Geography of Consciousness William Arkle
Hard Cover, 239 pp. More Detail
Neville Spearman, Ltd., London, 1974
Book Condition: Near Fine. Tight binding, some highlighting, label residue. DJ: Very Good+. Closed tear, chipping, shelfwear, price-clipped.
ID: 5936
Price: $45.00
Time Lay Asleep Carman Barnes
Hard Cover, 243 pp. More Detail
Harper & Brothers, New York, 1946
Book Condition: Book: Good+. Clean boards, some bumping and fraying to spine, edges and corners, tight binding, pages clean with tanning consistent with age. DJ: Fair. Whole with open tears and chipping at spine and edges, seller's barcode on spine, some rubbing. Now mylar-wrapped.
ID: 5238
Price: $25.00
Digging Up the Dog: The Greek Roots of Gurdjieff's Esoteric Ideas George Latura Beke
Soft Cover, 81 pp. More Detail
Indications Press, New York, 2005
Book Condition: As New. A crisp, flawless copy.
ID: 7467
Price: $19.00
Basic Self-Knowledge Harry Benjamin
Soft Cover, 167 pp. More Detail
Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1989
Book Condition: Near Fine. Tight binding, clean pages, bookstore stickers on back cover.
ID: 7287
Price: $16.00
Deeper Man J. G. Bennett
Soft Cover, 209 pp. More Detail
Bennett Books, Santa Fe, NM, 1994
Book Condition: Near Fine. Slight shelfwear, highlighting and scant marginalia in foreword, all remaining pages are unmarked.
ID: 7448
Price: $27.00
Gurdjieff: A Very Great Enigma J. G. Bennett
Revised Edition. Soft Cover, 90 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1984
Book Condition: Clean cover, slight shelfwear, sticker residue inside front, pages bright and unmarked.
ID: 7431
Price: $18.00
Gurdjieff: Making a New World J. G. Bennett
Soft Cover, 320 pp. More Detail
Harper Colophon, New York, 1976
Book Condition: Good.+ Clean, creased spine, shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7303
Price: $11.00
How We Do Things J. G. Bennett
Softcover, 69 pp. More Detail
Coombe Springs Press, Gloucestershire, UK, 1974
Book Condition: Book: Very Good. Red cardstock, light shelfwear, clean pages. DJ: Good. Sticker ghost on front, closed tear at spine, some soiling.
ID: 7312
Price: $32.00
Idiots in Paris: Diaries of J. G. Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett, 1949 J. G and Elizabeth Bennett
Soft cover, 110 pp. More Detail
Coombe Springs Press, Ripon, N. Yorkshire, England, 1980
Book Condition: Very Good+. Some shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 2697
Price: $14.00
Long Pilgrimage: The Life and Teaching of the Shivapuri Baba John G. Bennett
Soft Cover, 185 pp. More Detail
Dawn Horse Press, Clearlake, CA, 1983
Book Condition: Near Fine. Light shelfwear, clean unmarked pages.
ID: 7508
Price: $18.00
Needs of a New Age Community (Transformation of Man Series) J. G. Bennett
First Edition. Soft Cover with dust jacket, 99 pp. More Detail
Coombe Springs Press, Sherborne, UK, 1977
Book Condition: Book: Very Good+. Clean cardstock binding, owner's signature on half title page, unmarked text. DJ: Very Good. Light shelfwear.
ID: 7507
Price: $16.00
Sex J. G. Bennett
First U.S. edition. Soft Cover, 74 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1981
Book Condition: Near Fine. Light shelfwear, pages bright and unmarked.
ID: 7466
Price: $28.00
The Dramatic Universe Vol. IV: History J. G. Bennett
Soft Cover, 462 pp. More Detail
Bennett Books, Santa Fe, NM, 1997
Book Condition: As New. A flawless copy with crisp unmarked pages.
ID: 7452
Price: $40.00
Witness: The Autobiography of John Bennett John Bennett
Soft cover, 380 pp. More Detail
Claymont Communications, Charles Town, W. VA, 1983
Book Condition: Very Good. Some shelfwear and staining to edge, tight binding, unmarked pages, black and white photographs.
ID: 2696
Price: $26.00
Witness: The Autobiography of John G. Bennett J. G. Bennett
First U.S. Edition. Softcover, 380 pp. More Detail
Omen Press, Tucson, AZ, 1974
Book Condition: Very Good. A rare early edition of this title. Light shelfwear, creasing to spine, crisp unmarked pages.
ID: 7421
Price: $16.00
The Interior Realization Hubert Benoit
Soft Cover, 87 pp.; John Fitzsimmons Mahoney, trans. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, York Beach MN, 1987
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 7233
Price: $32.00
Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus: The Sources & Structure of the Novel Gunilla Bergsten
Hardcover, 246 pp.; Krishna Winston, trans. More Detail
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1969
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Gilt title, linen boards, tight, unmarked copy. Cover: Good. Abrasion to front, tape repair to flap. Now protected in mylar.
ID: 6061
Price: $52.00
Katherine Mansfield: A Critical Study Sylvia Berkman
Hard Cover, 246 pp. More Detail
Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1951
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Boards clean, tight binding, slight bumping to spine and corners; pages clean, edges sunned. DJ: Fair. Spine chipped and faded, sunning, tape repairs to back cover.
ID: 5115
Price: $12.00
To Fathom the Gist: Volume I: Approaches to the Writings of G. I. Gurdjieff Robin Bloor
Soft Cover, 309 pp. More Detail
Karnak Press, Austin, TX, 2013
Book Condition: Fine. Slight bump to tail of spine, else as new with pristine pages.
ID: 7243
Price: $33.00
What Happened in the Ark Kenneth M. Walker and Geoffrey M. Boumphrey
Hard Cover, 275 pp. More Detail
E. P. Dutton and Co., New York, 1926
Book Condition: Good. Orange cloth cover with green title, bumping, fraying to corners, some soiling, pages unmarked. Drawings by Dan Jacobson. A rare title.
ID: 5419
Price: $55.00
René Zuber: la nouvelle objectivité Christian Bouqueret
Soft Cover, 136 pp. More Detail
Marval, Paris, 2003
Book Condition: Near Fine. 30th Anniversary Collection. Scuffing on back cover, slight bumping and edgewear on spine. Pages pristine. 100 photographs, 150 thumbnail prints.
ID: 5199
Price: $28.00
Illness, Gender and Writing: The Case of Katherine Mansfield Mary Burgan
Hard Cover, 217 pp. More Detail
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1994
Book Condition: Book: As New. Gilt spine title, maroon cloth boards. DJ: As New. Dramatic cover with photo of Mansfield. Now protected with mylar.
ID: 5145
Price: $25.00
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night: A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments Richard F. Burton
Hardcover. Original and Supplemental volumes. 16 of 17 volumes, missing vol. 1 More Detail
The Burton Club for Private Subscribers Only, Shammar Edition, n.d.,. ca. 1900 Limited edition, no. 331 of 1000 copies
Book Condition: Books: Very Good. Original beige cloth with small paper title label on spine, gilt top edge, pages untrimmed. Many illustrations, all with tissue. Hinges are solid and pages clean. All volumes have slight soiling to the covers, shelfwear and bumping. Paper title labels are tanned with some fraying; slight stains on vols. 10, 12, 14 and 15. Small tears to cloth at spine of vols. 4, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 16.
ID: 2798
Price: $625.00
A Child of the Sun Pierce Butler
Soft cover, 181 pp. More Detail
Beech Hill Publishing Co., Mount Desert, ME, 2016
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread. Some shelfwear.
ID: 2699
Price: $14.00
Explorations in Active Mentation: Re-Membering Gurdjieff's Teaching, a Grandchild's Odyssey Keith A. Buzzell
Softcover More Detail
Fifth Press, Salt Lake City, UT, 2006 1st Edition
Book Condition: New. Shrinkwrapped. Thirteen essays focus on Gurdjieff's cosmology.
ID: 2785
Price: $54.00
Jean Toomer's Years with Gurdjieff: Portrait of an Artist, 1923-1936 Rudolph P. Byrd
Hard Cover, 212 pp. More Detail
University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, 1990 First Edition
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Slight edgewear, otherwise as new. DJ: Near Fine. Clean with some edgewear, bumping.
ID: 5795
Price: $25.00
Jean Toomer's Years with Gurdjieff: Portrait of an Artist, 1923-1936 Rudolph P. Byrd
Hardcover with dust jacket, 6.25 x 9.25, 212 pp. More Detail
University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, 1990
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: As New.
ID: 1904
Price: $40.00
Gurdjieff: An Annotated Bibliography J. Walter Driscoll and The Gurdjieff Foundation of California
First Edition. Hard Cover, 363 pp.; Introductory essay by Michel de Salzmann. More Detail
Garland Publishing, New York, 1985
Book Condition: As New. Blue boards, gilt spine title, frontis of Gurdjieff. No DJ as issued.
ID: 7454
Price: $95.00
Deconstructing Gurdjieff: Biography of a Spiritual Magician Tobias Churton
Hardcover, 346 pp. More Detail
Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, 2017
Book Condition: Book: Good. Clean boards, tight binding, underlining to some pages and last free endpaper. DJ: As New. Not price clipped.
ID: 7533
Price: $10.00
Becoming Conscious with G.I. Gurdjieff Solange Claustres
Rare Limited Edition, 136 of 250 copies. Soft Cover, 168 pp. More Detail
Eureka Editions, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2005
Book Condition: Fine. Cream colored stock with gilt spine title, faint bumping to head of spine, else as new.
ID: 7293
Price: $60.00
The Mirror of Light Rodney Collin
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 5 x 8, 89 pp. More Detail
Stuart & Watkins, London, 1968
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Orange cloth cover, gilt title on spine, pages, clean and crisp, owner note on front endpaper. DJ: Very Good. Clean front, small stain on back, shows little wear, price-clipped.
ID: 0690
Price: $55.00
The Mysteries of the Seed Rodney Collin
Softcover Booklet, 5.25 x 8.5, 47 pp. More Detail
Sure Fire Press, Edmonds, WA, 1988
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, pages pristine.
ID: 0691
Price: $16.00
The Theory of Celestial Influence: Man, the Universe, and Cosmic Mystery Rodney Collin
Hardcover, 392 pp. More Detail
Stuart and Watkins, London, 1968
Book Condition: Book: Very Good. Clean orange boards with gilt spine title, tight binding, wear to head and tail of spine, slightly cocked, bookstore sticker to pastedown. Pages are clean and unmarked. DJ: Fair. Open and closed tears, spine sunned, waterstains. Mylar protected.
ID: 7358
Price: $90.00
The Theory of Eternal Life Rodney Collin
First American edition. Hardcover with dust jacket, 6 x 9, 126 pp. plus 12 pp black and white plates More Detail
Samuel Weiser, New York, 1974
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Blue cloth with gilt title, pages clean and crisp, some tanning, small publisher's label on pastedown, final page excised. DJ: Near Fine. Slight rubbing and chipping, price clipped, now protected in mylar.
ID: 1380
Price: $70.00
The Theory of Eternal Life Rodney Collin
Hard Cover, 7.5 x 11, 120 pp., 1 color and 8 black & white annotated illustrations More Detail
Stourton Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 1950 Limited Edition of 600 copies
Book Condition: Very Good+. Clear crisp copy, secure binding, blue cloth boards with some sunning, fading to spine, bumping to spine and corners, tanning on endpapers. 1 color and 8 b/w annotated illustrations.
ID: 0666
Price: $115.00
Body and Soul: The Making of American Modernism Robert M. Crunden
First Edition. Soft Cover, 475 pp. More Detail
Basic Books, New York, 2000
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, slight shelfwear. Includes references to Gurdjieff, Margaret Anderson and Jean Toomer.
ID: 2904
Price: $12.00
Aristoxenus's Ghost: An Ancient Metaphysical Mystery Solved Mitzi DeWhitt
Softcover, 156 pp. More Detail
Xlibris, , 2004
Book Condition: As New. Appears unread.
ID: 7316
Price: $22.00
The Reality of Being, Decoded: Getting to the Heart of the Matter Mitzi DeWhitt
Soft Cover, 128 pp. More Detail
Xlibris, , 2013
Book Condition: As New
ID: 6070
Price: $18.00
L'Apprentissage de la Ville Luc Dietrich
First Edition. Soft Cover, 378 pp. More Detail
Editions Denoel, Paris, 1942
Book Condition: Book: Good. Intact, back cover separated from endpaper, pages foxed, cracked at pp. 160-61 and 352-53, wrapped in protective cover. Gift inscription on title page.
ID: 5279
Price: $30.00
The Gurdjieff Movements: A Communication of Ancient Wisdom Wim van Dullemen
Soft Cover, 291 pp. More Detail
Hohm Press, Chino Valley, AZ, 2018
Book Condition: Very Good+. Tight copy, some shelfwear, photos, unmarked pages.
ID: 7112
Price: $24.00
The Living Work: Gurdjieff's Teaching in Action Brian Earl
Soft Cover, 5.5 x 8.25, 231 pp. More Detail
Fourth Way Group, Victoria, Australia, 1984 First Edition Signed by author
Book Condition: Near Fine. Tight binding, vivid cover with minor shelfwear; bottom back corner slightly bent; seller's stamp on inside front cover. Bright, crisp pages.
ID: 0635
Price: $80.00
The Lives of Jean Toomer: A Hunger for Wholeness Cynthia Earl Kerman and Richard Eldridge
Soft Cover, 411 pp. More Detail
Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA, 1989
The Triumph of Self-Mastery: A Fourth Way Guide Eric Charoux
Soft Cover, 216 pp. More Detail
Telfair Press, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius, 2009
Book Condition: Near Fine. Appears unread, spine uncreased, light shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7415
Price: $20.00
Jean Toomer and the Harlem Renaissance Genevieve Fabre and Michel Feith, eds
Soft Cover, 235 pp. More Detail
Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 2000
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 5223
Price: $25.00
Katherine Mansfield's Men: Perspectives from the 2004 Katherine Mansfield Birthplace Lecture Series Charles Ferrall and Jane Stafford, editors
Soft Cover, 154 pp. More Detail
Katherine Mansfield Birthplace Society, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 1187
Price: $28.00
Holy Madness: Spirituality, Crazy-Wise Teachers, and Enlightenment Georg Feuerstein
Revised and Expanded Edition. Soft Cover, 511 pp. More Detail
Holm Press, Prescott, AZ, 2013
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, spine uncreased, pages clean, slight shelfwear to cover, else as new.
ID: 7521
Price: $20.00
Asking for the Earth: Waking Up to the Spiritual/Ecological Crisis James George
Soft Cover, 199 pp. Foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama More Detail
Barrytown/Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY, 2002
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, otherwise as new.
ID: 2647
Price: $18.00
Down From Above, Up From Below: Working with Lord Pentland and the Gurdjieff Ideas Jane Madeline Gold
Softcover, 133 pp. More Detail
Epigraph , , 2021
Book Condition: As New. Appears unread.
ID: 7308
Price: $20.00
Biography of American Author Jean Toomer, 1894-1967 John Chandler Griffin
First Edition. Hard Cover, 242 pp. More Detail
The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, 2002
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, slight cocking. Rare, collectible edition with unique photo of Toomer on front board. Includes photos, and interview with Margery Content Toomer. No DJ as issued.
ID: 4030
Price: $125.00
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man--All and Everything, First Series G. I. Gurdjieff
Hardcover, 1135 pp. Revised under the direction of Jeanne de Salzmann. More Detail
Viking Arkana, New York, 1993
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Blue boards with gilt spine title, tight binding, faint discoloration to top text block and neat highlighting to a single page, red ribbon marker. DJ: Fine. Not price clipped, slight edgewear, else as new. Mylar protected.
ID: 7453
Price: $80.00
Life Is Real Only Then, When 'I Am' G. I. Gurdjieff
Soft Cover, 177 pp. More Detail
Penguin, London, 1999
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, else as new, pristine pages.
ID: 7207
Price: $15.00
Life Is Real Only Then, When I Am (All and Everything/Third Series) G. I. Gurdjieff
Hardcover, 177 pp.; Foreword by Jeanne de Salzmann More Detail
E. P. Dutton, New York, 1981
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Appears unread, slight discoloration to top text block, crisp unmarked pages. DJ: Very Good. Small closed tear, some soiling to back. Not price-clipped.
ID: 7498
Price: $32.00
Meetings with Remarkable Men G. I. Gurdjieff
Soft Cover, 303 pp. More Detail
Penguin Compass, New York, 2002
Book Condition: Very Good. Clean, light shelfwear, a few underlines.
ID: 7302
Price: $8.00
Meetings with Remarkable Men G. I. Gurdjieff
Soft Cover, 303 pp. More Detail
Penguin, New York, 2002
Book Condition: Near Fine. Appears unread, slight shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7208
Price: $9.00
Views from the Real World: Early Talks as Recollected by His Pupils G. I. Gurdjieff
Soft Cover, 276 pp. More Detail
E. P. Duttton, New York, 1975
Book Condition: Good-. Clean wrappers, unmarked pages, text block cracked but pages are secure.
ID: 7563
Price: $10.00
Ceremonies Barbara Hachmuth
Hard Cover, 4.25 x 5.5, 29 pp. More Detail
Two Rivers Press, Aurora, OR, 1980 Limited edition of 200 copies. Typeset, printed and bound by hand.
Book Condition: Book: As New. Appears unread; red cloth with gilt title, endpapers decorated with raised motif of an acanthus leaf.
ID: 2826
Price: $40.00
Walking in the World Marjorie von Harten
First Edition. Soft Cover, 208 pp. More Detail
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Card stock cover clean, tight binding, edges slightly sunned. DJ: Near Fine. Wrapper sunned but clean.
ID: 5271
Price: $37.00
Djuna: The Life and Work of Djuna Barnes Phillip Herring
Soft Cover, 386 pp. More Detail
Penguin, New York, 1995
Book Condition: Very Good. Clean cover, some underlines.
ID: 7463
Price: $10.00
The Productions of Time: Collected Essays Martha Heyneman
Hard Cover, 233 pp. More Detail
Xlibris, n.p., 2001
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: As New.
ID: 5069
Price: $28.00
The Dancing Siamese Triplets Guy Hoffman
Soft Cover, 95 pp. More Detail
Guy Hoffman; New York; 2001
Book Condition: As New. Rare, privately published play by New York dramatist/author.
ID: 1153
Price: $10.00
The Gurdjieff Work and the Evolution of Me Guy Hoffman
First Edition, Booklet, 5.5 x 8.5, 30 pp. More Detail
Fourth Way Books, New York, 1992
Book Condition: Fine. Bright copy, slight shelfwear, pages crisp and clean.
ID: 1411
Price: $21.00
The Slugs: On G. I. Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson Christopher P. Holmes
Soft Cover, 217 pp. More Detail
Zero Point Publications, Kemptville, Ont., Canada, 2011
Book Condition: Near Fine. Slight shelfwear, faint dampstain to text block, unmarked pages.
ID: 7513
Price: $23.00
Annie's Captain Kathryn Hulme
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 5.75 x 8.5, 330 pp. More Detail
Little Brown and Company, Boston, 1961 First Edition
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Tight binding, slight bumping to head and tail, some fading, clean pages. DJ: Very Good. Slight sunning, some staining, price-clipped, now mylar-covered.
ID: 0611
Price: $30.00
Directors in Perspective: Peter Brook Albert Hunt and Geoffrey Reeves
Soft Cover, 288 pp. More Detail
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1995
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, binding tight, spine uncreased.
ID: 2018
Price: $35.00
A Pupil's Postscript: Beryl Pogson Teaching the Fourth Way Bob Hunter
Softcover, 534 pp. More Detail
Eureka Editions, The Netherlands, 2003
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread. Minor shelfwear. Pages bright, unmarked. This is number 5 of a limited second edition of 100.
ID: 5320
Price: $38.00
Don't Forget: P.D. Ouspensky's Life of Self-remembering Bob Hunter
Soft Cover, 261 pp. More Detail
Bardic Press, Oregon House, CA, 2006
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 3173
Price: $50.00
P. D. Ouspensky: Pioneer of the Fourth Way Bob Hunter
First Edition. Soft Cover, 296 pp. No. 131 of 250 copies. More Detail
Eureka Editions, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2000
Book Condition: Near Fine. Tight copy with light shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7306
Price: $32.00
Ronald Oldham: A Life in Three Acts Bob Hunter
First Edition, Soft Cover, 64 pp. More Detail
Eureka Editions, The Netherlands, 2000
Book Condition: Fine. Sewn paper booklet with slight shelfwear and unmarked pages. First edition, no. 18 of 40 copies.
ID: 7474
Price: $25.00
Caruso Stanley Jackson
Hard Cover, 302 pp. More Detail
Stein & Day, New York, 1972
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Spine slightly bumped. DJ: Good. Edgewear, open and closed tears to spine and back, otherwise bright and clean.
ID: 5240
Price: $8.00
Jean Toomer and the Prison-House of Thought: A Phenomenology of the Spirit Robert B. Jones
Hard Cover, 191 pp. More Detail
The University of Massachusetts Press; Amherst; 1993
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: Fine. Minor shelfwear, now mylar-protected.
ID: 1165
Price: $20.00
On a Spaceship with Beelzebub: By a Grandson of Gurdjieff David Kherdian
Softcover, 286 pp. More Detail
Inner Traditions , Rochester, VT, 1998
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, slight shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7417
Price: $12.00
The Farm: Book Two David Kherdian
First and Limited edition of 500 copies. Hardcover. More Detail
Two Rivers Press, Aurora, OR, 1981
Book Condition: Book: Very Good. Boards as new, binding cracked following ffep, pages unmarked. DJ: Near Fine. No tears, sunning, not price clipped.
ID: 7320
Price: $10.00
TAT Journal No. 9 Edited by Louis Khourey
Softcover, 126 pp.; Includes Gorham Munson's "Black Sheep Philosophers: Gurdjieff, Orage & Ouspensky" More Detail
TAT Foundation, Bellaire, OH, 1980
Book Condition: Very Good. Pictorial covers, shelfwear, scuffing, clean unmarked pages.
ID: 5234
Price: $15.00
The Butterfly: A Symbol of Conscious Evolution C. Daly King
Soft Cover, 114 pp. More Detail
Bridge Press, Staten Island, NY, 1996
Book Condition: As New. Originally published in 1927, this is one of the earliest books written about the unique ideas of Gurdjieff.
ID: 7477
Price: $110.00
The Oragean Version C. Daly King
Hardcover, 281 pp. More Detail
Book Studio, Encinitas, CA, 2016
Book Condition: New. In new condition with no flaws, no dj as issued.
ID: 7441
Price: $30.00
In Search of P. D. Ouspensky Gary Lachman
First Edition. Hardcover, 329 pp. More Detail
Quest Books, Wheaton, IL, 2004
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: Fine. Bright and clean with slight shelfwear.
ID: 7231
Price: $25.00
Inside a Question: Works of Henriette Lannes, Pupil of G. I. Gurdjieff Henriette Lannes
First Edition. Soft Cover, 202 pp. More Detail
Paul H. Crompton Ltd., London, 2002
Book Condition: As New. Unread, no marks.
ID: 7065
Price: $16.00
Souvenirs: My Life with Maeterlinck Georgette Leblanc
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 6 x 9, 352 pp. More Detail
E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1932 First Edition
Book Condition: Book: Good+. Tight binding, fraying to head, spine faded and rubbed; deckle edges, stains to front and back cover, pages unmarked. Photos. Now mylar-wrapped. No DJ.
ID: 0552
Price: $25.00
A Wish to Be: A Voyage of Self-Discovery Cecil Lewis
Soft Cover, 135 pp. More Detail
Element, Rockport, MA, 1994
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, slight shelfwear.
ID: 7221
Price: $16.00
All My Yesterdays: An Autobiography Cecil Lewis
Hard Cover with mylar-covered dust jacket, 6.5 x 9.5, 210 pp. More Detail
Element, Rockport, MA, 1993
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Slight bumping, edgewear, otherwise as new. DJ: Near Fine. Minor shelfwear, small closed tear on back.
ID: 1542
Price: $24.00
Life & Letters December 1934
Journal, 6.5 x 10, 384 pp. More Detail
Victor Gollancz, London, 1934
Book Condition: Vol XI, No 60. Good -. Ex-library with inked numerals on the cover, small tear to spine, shelfwear, scuffing, corners fanned. Pages clean and unmarked. Monthly journal with article by Denis Saurat, A.R. Orage
ID: 1399
Price: $20.00
An Art of Our Own: The Spiritual in Twentieth-Century Art Roger Lipsey
First Edition. Hardcover, 518 pp. More Detail
Shambhala, Boston, 1988
Book Condition: Book. As New. Appears unread, clean boards, unmarked pages. DJ: As New. Protected in mylar.
ID: 7481
Price: $65.00
Gurdjieff Reconsidered: The Life, the Teachings, the Legacy Roger Lipsey
First Edition. Soft Cover, 359 pp. More Detail
Shambhala, Boulder, CO, 2019
Book Condition: Fine. Slight nick to head of spine, else as new, no other flaws.
ID: 7289
Price: $20.00
The Practice of Presence: Five Paths for Daily Life Patty de Llosa
Soft Cover, 316 pp. More Detail
Morning Light Press, Sandpoint, ID, 2006
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 2686
Price: $10.00
Luba Gurdjieff: A Memoir with Recipes Luba Gurdjieff Everitt
Soft Cover, 105 pp. More Detail
Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, CA, 1993
Book Condition: Good -. Some creasing to covers, pages unmarked, damp stains to back pages.
ID: 7264
Price: $20.00
What Happened in Between: A Doctor's Story William J. Welch, M.D.
First Edition, second printing. Hardcover with dust jacket, 5 x 8.5, 208 pp. More Detail
George Braziller, New York, 1972
Book Condition: Book: Fine. As new except for very minor tanning on edges. DJ: Fine. Bright colors, minor tanning on flaps, no chipping or tears.
ID: 0568
Price: $53.00
Journal of Katherine Mansfield Katherine Mansfield
Hardcover, 252 pp.; edited by J. Middleton Murry More Detail
Constable & Co., London, 1931
Book Condition: Good. Clean boards, fraying to head and tail of spine, solid binding, owner's name to ffep, unmarked pages.
ID: 7360
Price: $12.00
The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks Katherine Mansfield, ed. Margaret Scott
Soft Cover, 355 pp. More Detail
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2002
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, tight binding, clean pages, minor shelfwear.
ID: 1188
Price: $19.00
The Letters of Katherine Mansfield, Volume One and Two Katherine Mansfield
Hardcover, Vol. One, 319 pp; Vol. Two, 271 pp.; edited by J. Middleton Murry More Detail
Constable & Co., London, 1932
Book Condition: A two-volume set. Both good condition, tight binding, clean, some fraying to spines, pages unmarked.
ID: 7361
Price: $22.00
The New Age Under Orage: Chapters in English Cultural History Wallace Martin
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 5 x 8.25, 303 pp. More Detail
Manchester University Press, New York, 1967
Book Condition: Book: As New. Frontis of Orage; b/w illustrations of writers and editors who contributed to the New Age. DJ: Near Fine. Bright, some edgewear, no tears. Now mylar-covered.
ID: 0531
Price: $60.00
Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin Fellowship Myron A. Marty and Shirley L. Marty
Hard Cover with plastic covered dust jacket, 9 x 12, 312 pp. More Detail
Truman State University Press, Kirksville, MO, 1999
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Gilt spine title and front board, as new but for slight bumping to bottom spine. Bright pages, many photos. DJ: As New. Now covered in mylar.
ID: 1558
Price: $35.00
Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin Fellowship Myron A. Marty and Shirley L. Marty
Soft Cover, 8.5 x 11, 312 pp. More Detail
Truman State University Press, Kirksville, MO, 1999 Signed by authors
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, minor edgewear, pages slightly fanned at corners, small abrasion on back cover. Bright, unmarked pages. Signed by authors.
ID: 1559
Price: $20.00
Material for Thought #8 Far West Editions
87 pp. More Detail
Far West Editions, San Francisco, 1979
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 9102
Price: $20.00
Material for Thought #9 Far West Editions
94 pp. More Detail
Far West Editions, San Francisco, 1982
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 9103
Price: $20.00
Material for Thought #12 Spring 1990 Far West Editions
89 pp. More Detail
Far West, San Francisco, 1990
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 9104
Price: $13.00
Material for Thought #12 Spring 1990 Far West Editions
Spring 1990, 89 pp. More Detail
Far West, San Francisco, 1990
Book Condition: Fine. Minor shelfwear, crease to spine.
ID: 9107
Price: $10.00
Material for Thought #15 Far West Editions
103 pp. More Detail
Far West Editions, San Francisco, 2001
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 9110
Price: $14.00
Beyond the Mind We Go: Metanoia Len Maurice
Soft Cover, 196 pp. More Detail
Bellman Books, Bournemouth, U.K., 1995
Book Condition: Good. Clean, crack at front hinge, small tear at back of spine, unmarked pages. Written as a science-fiction novel by a longtime student of Gurdjieff's writings, Beyond the Mind We Go: Metanoia is one of "first books to focus on Beelzebub's Tales since A. R. Orage's Commentaries (1961) and John G. Bennett's Talks (1977)." - J. Walter Driscoll, Gurdjieff International Review, Fall 1998 Issue, Vol. II (1)
ID: 7048
Price: $26.00
The Gurdjieff Years 1929-1949: Recollections of Louise Goepfert March Annabeth McCorkle
Soft Cover, 143 pp.: Expanded Edition More Detail
Eureka Editions, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2012
Book Condition: As New. Pristine copy.
ID: 7209
Price: $38.00
Frank Lloyd Wright Remembered Patrick J. Meehan
Hard Cover, 254 pp. More Detail
The Preservation Press, Washington, DC, 1991
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: Fine. Clean, slight bumping, now wrapped in mylar.
ID: 5216
Price: $15.00
Gurdjieff: A Biography James Moore
Revised Edition. Soft Cover, 415 pp. More Detail
Element, Boston, MA, 1999
Book Condition: Near Fine. Clean, lightly read, unmarked pages.
ID: 7504
Price: $29.00
Gurdjieff: A Biography: The Anatomy of a Myth James Moore
Hardcover, 415 pp. More Detail
Element, Shaftesbury, Dorset, UK, 1991
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Pristine blue boards, bumping to lower spine, tight binding, bright unmarked pages. DJ: As New. Mylar protected.
ID: 7456
Price: $70.00
A Way in Life: The Teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff (A talk given in Sacramento, CA June 1968) Lawrence S. Morris
First Edition. Soft Cover, 22 pp. More Detail
The Lake Press, Tusten, NY, 1968
Book Condition: As New. Gray stapled card stock, pristine white pages.
ID: 3181
Price: $28.00
Gnosis: Book Two, The Mesosteric Cycle (Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy) Boris Mouravieff; Robin Amis, editor; S. A. Wissa, Manek d'Oncieu and Robin Amis, translators
Soft Cover, 262 pp. More Detail
Praxis Institute Press, Newbury, MA, 1992
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, slight shelfwear, pages bright and clean. Sticker on back.
ID: 5631
Price: $50.00
Gnosis: Book Three, The Esoteric Cycle (Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy) Boris Mouravieff; Robin Amis, editor; Manek d'Oncieu, E. and S. Witkin, translators
Soft Cover, 226 pp. More Detail
Praxis Institute Press, Newbury, MA, 1993
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 5632
Price: $40.00
A Little Book on Love Jacob Needleman
First Edition. Hardcover, 148 pp. More Detail
Doubleday, New York, 1996
Book Condition: Book: As New. A fresh copy without flaws. DJ: Fine. Slight shelfwear, not price clipped.
ID: 7405
Price: $18.00
Lost Christianity Jacob Needleman
Hardcover, 228 pp. More Detail
Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 1980
Book Condition: Good+. Tight binding, bumping to spine, owner's embossed initials to endpaper, crisp unmarked pages.
ID: 7210
Price: $18.00
Speaking of My Life: The Art of Living in the Cultural Revolution Jacob Needleman, editor
Soft Cover, 149 pp. More Detail
Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1979
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, clean pages, minor shelfwear.
ID: 5037
Price: $7.00
The New Religions Jacob Needleman
Hardcover, 245 pp. More Detail
Garden City, NY, Doubleday, 1970
Book Condition: Book: Very Good+. Spine bumped, edgewear, ex-lib with stamps and pocket, pages clean. DJ: Very Good+. Edgewear, some soiling, now covered in mylar.
ID: 5039
Price: $12.00
The Search: What Are We Searching For? - A Lecture Series Jacob Needleman and Carol Murphy, eds.
Soft Cover, 149 pp. More Detail
Far West Institute, San Francisco, 1989 First Edition
Book Condition: Very Good+. Covers sunned, some edgewear, tight binding, unmarked pages. Speakers: Lynn Andrews, Robert Bly, Estelle Hoyt, Father Thomas Keating, Kristin Linklater, Jacob Needleman, Mark Thurston
ID: 5929
Price: $26.00
The Wisdom of Love: Toward a Shared Inner Life Jacob Needleman
Softcover, 127 pp. More Detail
Morning Light Press , Sandpoint, ID , 2005
Book Condition: As New. Appears unread.
ID: 7535
Price: $12.00
Time and the Soul Jacob Needleman
Soft Cover, 176 pp. More Detail
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco, 2003
Book Condition: As New. Appears unread, no flaws.
ID: 7427
Price: $24.00
Why Can't We Be Good? Jacob Needleman
Hard Cover, 285 pp. More Detail
Jeremy P. Tarcher, New York, 2007 First Edition
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: As New.
ID: 5646
Price: $10.00
Dream Psychology Maurice Nicoll
Soft Cover, 194 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, New York, 1979
Book Condition: Very Good. Spine uncreased, some shelfwear, clean pages.
ID: 7505
Price: $12.00
Living Time and the Integration of Life Maurice Nicoll
Soft Cover, 252 pp. More Detail
Watkins, London, 1981
Book Condition: Fair. Shelfwear, creasing to cover, tight binding, highlighting and a few underlines.
ID: 7419
Price: $23.00
The New Man: An Interpretation of Some Parables and Miracles of Christ Maurice Nicoll
Soft Cover, 184 pp. More Detail
Penguin Books, Baltimore, MD, 1973
Book Condition: Near Fine. Light shelfwear, solid binding and clean unmarked pages.
ID: 7473
Price: $16.00
Further Teachings of Gurdjieff: Journey Through This World C. S. Nott
Soft Cover, 254 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1984
Book Condition: Very Good+. Creasing to the spine, secure binding, pages bright and unmarked.
ID: 7458
Price: $16.00
Journey Through This World: The Second Journal of a Pupil, Including an Account of Meetings with G. I. Gurdjieff, A. R. Orage, and P. D. Ouspensky C. S. Nott
Hardcover, 254 pp. More Detail
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1974
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Tight binding, blue cloth covers with gilt spine title, slight bumping to spine, a bit of soiling to top text block, unmarked pages. DJ: Very Good+. Clean, some bumping to spine, price clipped, mylar protected.
ID: 7294
Price: $50.00
Teachings of Gurdjieff: A Pupil's Journal C. S. Nott
Soft Cover, 230 pp. More Detail
Penguin/Arkana, New York, 1961
Book Condition: Good. Shelfwear, creased spine, unmarked pages.
ID: 7550
Price: $6.00
Teachings of Gurdjieff: A Pupil's Journal: An Account of Some Years With G. I. Gurdjieff and A. R. Orage in New York and at Fontainebleau-Avon C. S. Nott
First U.S. edition. Hardcover with dust jacket, 230 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, New York, 1962
Book Condition: Book: Very Good+. Blue cloth with gilt title, minor bumping, inked date to ffep, all other pages bright and unmarked. DJ: Very Good. Light wear and small stain to upper edge, price clipped.
ID: 7459
Price: $24.00
Jean Toomer: A Critical Evaluation Therman B. O'Daniel, editor
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 6.25 x 9.5, 557 pp. More Detail
Howard University Press, Washington, D.C., 1988 First Edition
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Slight shelfwear, appears unread. DJ: Fine. Slight edgewear, not price clipped, now mylar-protected.
ID: 1933
Price: $30.00
Jean Toomer: A Critical Evaluation Therman B. O'Daniel, editor
Hardcover with dust jacket, 6.25 x 9.5, 557 pp. More Detail
Howard University Press, Washington, D.C., 1988 First Edition
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Bright cloth cover, appears unread, bumping at corners and base of spine. Tight binding, clean pages. DJ: Very Good. Bright, some chipping, edgewear.
ID: 1795
Price: $26.00
Short Talk on the Work Teaching & Vibrations: Work Poems Ronald Oldham and Muriel Oldham
Soft Cover, 57 pp. More Detail
Quack's Books, Petergate, York, UK, 1993
Book Condition: First edition, limited to 500 copies. As New. Appears unread.
ID: 2671
Price: $9.00
Orage as Critic A. R. Orage, edited Wallace Martin
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 5.5 x 9, 218 pp. More Detail
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1974 First edition
Book Condition: Book: As New. Gilt spine title. DJ: Near Fine. No tears, price clipped, slight tanning and shelfwear.
ID: 1554
Price: $30.00
Psychological Exercises and Essays A. R. Orage
Softcover, 4 x 7, 122 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, New York, 1976
Book Condition: Good. Solid binding, shelfwear, creases to cover, underlining to a single page.
ID: 1550
Price: $37.00
A New Model of the Universe P. D. Ouspensky
Soft Cover, 554 pp. More Detail
Dover Publications, Mineola, NY, 1997
Book Condition: Very Good. Some shelfwear, pages clean and unmarked.
ID: 7154
Price: $12.00
Conscience: The Search for Truth P. D. Ouspensky
Soft Cover, 159 pp. More Detail
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1981
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Slight shelfwear, clean pages.
ID: 2738
Price: $23.00
Tertium Organum: A Key to the Enigmas of the World P. D. Ouspensky
Soft Cover, 306 pp.; Nicholas Bessaraboff and Claude Bragdon, trans. More Detail
Vintage, New York, 1970
Book Condition: Very Good. Light wear to cover and spine, owner's name stamp inside front cover, pages tanned but unmarked.
ID: 7446
Price: $14.00
Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought, A Key to the Enigmas of the World P. D. Ouspensky
Second Revised Edition. Hardcover, 336 pp.; translated from the Russian by Nicholas Bessaraboff and Claude Bragdon More Detail
Kegan Paul, Trench Trubner & Co., London, 1923
Book Condition: Good-. Black boards scuffed, fraying to spine and corners, tight binding, book plate on paste down, sunning, pages unmarked, tipped in Table of the Four Forms of the Manifestations of Consciousness.
ID: 7314
Price: $38.00
The Fourth Way P. D. Ouspensky
Soft Cover, 447 pp. More Detail
Vintage Books, New York, 1971
Book Condition: As New. Slight pencil marks on half title page, else as new.
ID: 7506
Price: $13.00
The Fourth Way: A Record of Talks and Answers to Questions Based on the Teaching of G. I. Gurdjieff P. D. Ouspensky
Soft Cover, 447 pp. More Detail
Vintage Books, New York, 1971
Book Condition: Fair. Heavy wear to cover, liquid stains to a few pages, no underlining or other marks to pages.
ID: 7171
Price: $10.00
The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution P. D. Ouspensky
Hard Cover, 114 pp. More Detail
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1971
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Tight binding, slight shelfwear, pages clean. DJ: Fair. Small chips and tears, rubbing, price clipped.
ID: 9020
Price: $16.00
The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution P. D. Ouspensky
Soft Cover, 128 pp. More Detail
Vintage, New York, 1974
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7125
Price: $11.00
Eating The "I": A Direct Account of The Fourth Way—The Way of Transformation in Ordinary Life William Patrick Patterson
Hard Cover, 6.25 x 9.25, 359 pp.
"Eating The 'I' is a worthy volume and historic as well, as it's the first Work memoir from one of Gurdjieff's grandchildren." Jeff Zaleski More Detail
Arete Communications, Fairfax, CA, 1992 First Edition Signed by author and inscribed to owner, number 43/100.
Book Condition: Fine. No jacket as issued.
ID: 1394
Price: $75.00
Eating The "I": An Account of The Fourth Way--The Way of Transformation in Ordinary Life William Patrick Patterson
First Edition. Soft Cover, 359 pp. More Detail
Arete Communications, Fairfax, CA, 1992
Book Condition: Good. Clean cover with light shelfwear, spotting to title page and text block, pages are unmarked.
ID: 7551
Price: $12.00
Struggle of the Magicians: Why Uspenskii Left Gurdjieff William Patrick Patterson
Soft Cover, 249 pp. More Detail
Arete Communications, Fairfax, CA, 1996
Book Condition: Good+. Clean, uncreased cover, some underlining and highlighting.
ID: 7480
Price: $18.00
The Life and Teachings of Carlos Castaneda William Patrick Patterson
Signed by author. Hardcover, 270 pp. More Detail
Arete Communications, Fairfax, CA, 2008
Book Condition: Book: As New. Red boards, gilt spine title. DJ: Near Fine. Clean, slight edgewear.
ID: 7323
Price: $40.00
Voices in the Dark: Esoteric, Occult & Secular Voices in Nazi-Occupied Paris 1940-44 William Patrick Patterson
Limited edition of 515 copies. Signed by author. Hardcover with dust jacket, 342 pp. More Detail
Arete Communications, Fairfax, CA, 2000
Book Condition: Book: Good+. Clean boards, tight binding, penciled underlining. Includes transcripts of Gurdjieff's wartime meetings. DJ: As New. Price sticker on back.
ID: 7514
Price: $32.00
Exchanges Within: Questions from Everyday Life Selected from Gurdjieff Group Meetings with John Pentland in California 1955-1984 John Pentland
First Edition. Hard Cover, 395 pp. More Detail
Continuum, New York, 1997
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Clean boards, tight binding, light shelfwear, unmarked pages. DJ: Good. Intact with shelfwear and a tape repair. Not price clipped. Mylar protected.
ID: 7461
Price: $40.00
All the Year 'Round Fritz Peters
Hard Cover, 58 pp. More Detail
The Lion Press; New York; 1966
Book Condition: Good. Ex-library. Pen and ink illustrations by Nancy Grossman. Binding tight, numbers inked on spine. Pages unmarked,slight binding residue front cover, library stamp, glue residue inside back cover. No DJ.
ID: 1172
Price: $8.00
Boyhood with Gurdjieff Fritz Peters
First Edition. Hardcover, 234 pp.; Introduction by William Patrick Patterson More Detail
Arete Communications, Fairfax, CA, 2006
Book Condition: As New. Full cloth binding, silver gilt spine title, photos, dust jacket missing.
ID: 7394
Price: $56.00
Finistère Fritz Peters
Hard Cover, 5 x 7.5, 286 pp. More Detail
Victor Gollancz, London, 1967
Book Condition: Near Fine. Appears unread, tight binding, boards clean, slightly sunned, pages crisp and clean. tanned.
ID: 0525
Price: $20.00
Finistere Fritz Peters
Soft Cover, 359 pp. More Detail
Arsenal Pulp Press, Vancouver, 2006
Book Condition: Near Fine. Light shelfwear, unmarked pages. Includes appendices mentioning the author's experiences as a boy with G. I. Gurdjieff, and Peters' later life, including his sexuality, and success as an author.
ID: 7339
Price: $14.00
My Journey with a Mystic Fritz Peters
Hard Cover, 312 pp. More Detail
Tale Weaver Publishing, Laguna Niguel, CA, 1986
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Clean boards with slight edgewear. Tight binding, clean crisp pages. DJ: Near Fine. Light rubbing front and back covers, small closed tear and slight chipping at top front cover. Mylar protected.
ID: 5236
Price: $65.00
The Descent Fritz Peters
Soft Cover, 4.25 x 7, 160 pp. More Detail
Signet Books, New York, 1953
Cover art by James Avarti
Book Condition: Very Good. Bright, full-color cover with minor edge wear and bumping; tight spine; crisp pages, tanned.
ID: 0520
Price: $15.00
The World Next Door Fritz Peters
Hard Cover, 320 pp. First Edition More Detail
Victor Gollancz Ltd; London; 1950
Book Condition: Book: Very Good. Linen covered boards, tight binding, owner's name stamped on endpapers, water stains on back endpapers and edges. DJ: Good. Small chips at spine, small tear on back, otherwise intact, back water stained, sunned. Now covered in mylar .
ID: 2059
Price: $35.00
Commentary on the Fourth Gospel Beryl Pogson
Soft Cover, 72 pp. More Detail
Eureka Editions, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2000
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 2690
Price: $24.00
Maurice Nicoll: A Portrait Beryl Pogson
Soft Cover, 288 pp. More Detail
Fourth Way Books, New York, 1987
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, bookstore stickers on back, clean pages.
ID: 7295
Price: $36.00
More Work Talks Beryl Pogson
Softcover, 142 pp.; Revised, limited edition of 500 copies. More Detail
Quacks Books, York, UK, 1993
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread. Slight shelfwear, clean pages.
ID: 7311
Price: $23.00
The Work Life: Based on Teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll Beryl Pogson
Soft Cover, 277 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, ME, 1994
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread. Bright clean cover with photo of Gurdjieff, unmarked pages, slight shelfwear.
ID: 5414
Price: $23.00
The Work Life: Talks at Dorton House and Nutley Terrace; Based on Teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky and Maurice Nicoll Beryl Pogson
Soft Cover, 133 pp. More Detail
R. W. Oldham, Belfast, UK, 1975 Rare First Edition
Book Condition: Near Fine. Appears unread. Grey cardstock cover, closed tear at spine, unmarked pages, slight shelfwear.
ID: 5415
Price: $85.00
G. I. Gurdjieff Concordance II Alan F.N. Poole
Softcover, 363 pp. More Detail
Trafford Publishing, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2006
Book Condition: Fine. Slight creases in front and back covers.
ID: 5120
Price: $28.00
Gurdjieff Group Work with Wilhem Nyland Irmis B. Popoff
Soft Cover, 72 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1986
Book Condition: Fine. Tight, clean copy with unmarked pages, sticker ghost on back cover.
ID: 7375
Price: $58.00
Marjorie Content: Photographs Jill Quasha
First Edition. Hardcover, 159 pp. More Detail
W. W. Norton, New York, 1994
Book Condition: Book: Very Good. Clean brown cloth boards, 72 duotone photographs, a few lightly penciled underlines, remainder mark. Content's last husband was the writer Jean Toomer. DJ: Good+. Clean with open tear to a corner, creases to back flap. Not price clipped.
ID: 7511
Price: $13.00
The Wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: A New Translation and Guide Ravi Ravindra
Hardcover, 221 pp. More Detail
Morning Light Press, Sandpoint, ID, 2009
Book Condition: Book: As New. Gilt title, orange cloth boards, unmarked pages. Ravindra has written books about his relationship with spiritual teachers Krishnamurti and Jeanne de Salzmann, the teacher of the Gurdjieff Work to whom he dedicates this book, and both are referenced in his discussions of the yoga sutras. DJ: As New.
ID: 7530
Price: $56.00
Gurdjieff in Action J. H. Reyner
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 5.5 x 8.75, 117 pp. More Detail
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1980
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Appears unread, tight binding, bright gilt lettering, crisp unmarked copy; minor tanning on front endpaper and a small stain on back flyleaf, otherwise as new. DJ: Fine. Bright colors, slight indented lines on front cover. Now mylar-wrapped.
ID: 0562
Price: $55.00
No Easy Immortality J. H. Reyner
Hardcover, 90 pp. More Detail
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1979
Book Condition: First Edition. Book: As New. Blue cloth, gilt spine title; bright pages. DJ: Fine. Price clipped, sticker on back, covered in mylar.
ID: 2357
Price: $65.00
Ouspensky: The Unsung Genius J. H. Reyner
First Edition. Hardcover with mylar-covered dust jacket, 5.5 x 8.75, 115 pp. More Detail
George Allen and Unwin, London, 1981
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: As New.
ID: 1871
Price: $45.00
The Gurdjieff Inheritance: The Teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff and the Legacy of "The Work" J. H. Reyner
Soft Cover, 110 pp. More Detail
Book Condition: Very Good. Tight copy, light shelfwear, clean pages.
ID: 7386
Price: $17.00
The American Parade: A Quarterly Magazine W. Adolphe Roberts, editor
Hardcover, 192 pp. More Detail
Parade Publishing Company, New York, October 1926
Book Condition: Presentation copy signed and dated by editor; Roberts also signed authored piece. Very Good. Cover sunned, spine slightly bumped at top and bottom, top edge foxed. Pages tanned but clean. Protective wrapping. No DJ. Solita Solano was a Collaborator; this issue has a short story by her.
ID: 5286
Price: $45.00
The American Parade: A Quarterly Magazine W. Adolphe Roberts, Editor
Hard Cover, 192 pp. July 1926 More Detail
Parade Publishing Company, New York, July 1926
Book Condition: Very Good+. Clean boards, tight binding, shelfwear consistent with age. Solita Solano was a Collaborator.
ID: 4088
Price: $35.00
The American Parade: A Quarterly Magazine. April 1926 W. Adolphe Roberts, editor
Hardcover, 192 pp. More Detail
Parade Publishing Company, New York, 1926
Book Condition: Solita Solano was a Collaborator. Good. Spine sunned with some bumping top and bottom, corners lightly bumped, minor crack, pages tanned but clean. No DJ.
ID: 5284
Price: $30.00
Self-Completion: Keys to the Meaningful Life Robert S. de Ropp
Soft Cover, 131 pp. More Detail
Gateways/IDHHB Inc, Nevada City, CA, 1991
Book Condition: Good. Bright copy, underlining and a single dog ear.
ID: 7292
Price: $10.00
Rene Daumal: The Life and Work of a Mystic Guide Kathleen Ferrick Rosenblatt
Hardcover, 252 pp. More Detail
State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1999
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, else as new, unmarked pages.
ID: 7123
Price: $62.00
Sherborne: An Experiment in Transformation Allen Roth
Hard Cover, 119 pp. More Detail
Bennett Books, Santa Fe, NM, 1998
Book Condition: Book: As New. Author signed. DJ: Fine. Slight bumping to top and bottom of spine.
ID: 5020
Price: $45.00
A Jean Toomer Reader: Selected Unpublished Writings Frederik L. Rusch
Soft Cover, 6 x 9.5, 290 pp. More Detail
Oxford University Press, New York, 1993
Book Condition: As new.
ID: 0559
Price: $12.00
A Jean Toomer Reader: Selected Unpublished Writings Frederik L. Rusch
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 6 x 9.5. 290 pp. More Detail
Oxford University Press, New York, 1993
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: As New.
ID: 0560
Price: $26.00
The Reality of Being: The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff Jeanne de Salzmann
First Edition. Hard Cover, 312 pp. More Detail
Shambhala, Boston, 2010
Book Condition: Book: As New. Appears unread. DJ: Fine. Slight shelfwear, not price clipped.
ID: 7449
Price: $55.00
Jean Toomer and the Terrors of American History Charles Scruggs, Lee Vandemarr
Hard Cover, 310 pp. More Detail
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1998
Book Condition: Book: As New. DJ: As New.
ID: 5047
Price: $53.00
My End Is My Beginning: A Traveller's Tale H. J. Sharp
Soft Cover, 316 pp. More Detail
BookSurge LLC, , 2007
Book Condition: Book: As New.
ID: 9019
Price: $35.00
Gurdjieff: An Introduction to His Life and Ideas John Shirley
Soft Cover, 301 pp. More Detail
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, New York, 2004 First Edition
Book Condition: Near Fine. Edgewear, tight binding, clean pages.
ID: 5993
Price: $11.00
Without Benefit of Clergy: Some Footnotes to the Gurdjieff Teaching Frank R. Sinclair
Softcover, 277 pp. More Detail
Xlibris Corp., , 2005
Book Condition: Very Good. Uncreased spine, light shelfwear, penciled underlines.
ID: 7305
Price: $24.00
Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition Richard Smoley
Soft cover, 292 pp. More Detail
Shambhala, Boston, 2002
Book Condition: Near Fine. Some shelfwear, otherwise fine.
ID: 2732
Price: $11.00
The Uncertain Feast Solita Solano
First Edition, Second Printing. Hardcover, 5.25 x 7.5, 336 pp. More Detail
G. P Putman's Sons, New York, 1924
Book Condition: Book: Good. Age-darkened green cloth boards with green decorative lettered titles on spine and front cover. Rubbing, bumping, spine abraded in places. Cocked. All pages clean and intact, edges have some discoloration. Bookstore sticker on back pastedown. No DJ.
ID: 0549
Price: $180.00
The Uncertain Feast Solita Solano
First Edition Hardcover, 5.25 x 7.75. 336 pp. More Detail
G.P Putnam's Sons, New York, 1924, First Printing
Book Condition: First Edition, First Printing. Book: Good+. Dark green cloth boards with green decorative lettered titles on spine and front cover. Abrasions to cloth at lower edge and spine. Cocked. Binding intact but with loose hinge and cracked at dedication page. All pages clean and intact. No DJ.
ID: 0610
Price: $225.00
The Uncertain Feast Solita Solano
Hard Cover, 5 x 7.5, 336 pp. More Detail
Jacobsen Publishing Company, New York, 1930 Second Edition
Book Condition: Book: Good+. Boards scuffed, bumping to corners, loose front hinge. All pages intact, some tanning and foxing. DJ: Fair. Colorful artwork, chipped and creased, tape repair inside. Now mylar-protected.
ID: 0548
Price: $150.00
The Gurdjieff Work Kathleen Riordan Speeth
Soft Cover, 124 pp. More Detail
Tarcher/Putnam, New York, 1989
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear, remainder mark.
ID: 6090
Price: $8.00
Towards Inner Freedom Ronnie Stennett-Willson
Softcover, 101 pp. More Detail
SIDM, Norfolk, UK, 1999
Book Condition: Fine. Appears unread, slight shelfwear, clean pages.
ID: 7387
Price: $26.00
The Path Whitley Strieber
Soft Cover, 152 pp. More Detail
Walker and Collier, San Antonio, TX, 2002
Book Condition: As New. Cover art and illustrations from the Tarot of Marseilles, said to be the original Tarot. Pages are unblemished.
ID: 5825
Price: $85.00
Changing Mind Vincent G. Stuart
Hard Cover with dust jacket, 74 pp. More Detail
Shambhala, Bouder & London, 1981
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Appears unread, slight edgewear. DJ: Very Good. Shelfwear, chipping at spine, price removed with punch.
ID: 2518
Price: $12.00
Systematics Vol I, No. 1, June 1963, The Journal of The Institute for the Comparative Study of History, Philosophy and the Sciences John G. Bennett, Maurice Vernet, Marjorie von Harten, Ida P. Rolf and Anthony M. Hodgson
Soft Cover, 103 pp. More Detail
Book Condition: Near very good. Sewn signatures in plain printed blue-grey wraps, card covers clean, top corner clipped, open tear and crease at bottom, shelfwear. Pages clean and unmarked. Essays include "General Systematics" by Bennett and "Structural Integration" by Dr. Ida Rolf.
ID: 5232
Price: $48.00
Gurdjieff and Orage: Brothers in Elysium Paul Beekman Taylor
Soft Cover, 269 pp. More Detail
Weiser Books, York Beach, ME, 2001
Book Condition: As New. A pristine copy.
ID: 7285
Price: $39.00
Shadows of Heaven: Gurdjieff and Toomer Paul Beekman Taylor
Soft Cover, 245 pp. More Detail
Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1998
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 1183
Price: $11.00
Shadows of Heaven: Gurdjieff and Toomer Paul Beekman Taylor
Soft Cover, 245 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, York Beach, ME, 1998
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 5049
Price: $11.00
Tu l'aimeras: Souvenirs sur Georgii Ivanovitch Gurdjieff Tchesslav Tchechovitch
Soft Cover, 272 pp, More Detail
Charles Antoni L'Originel, Paris, 2003
Book Condition: Fine. French translation, slight shelfwear, pages unmarked.
ID: 7476
Price: $40.00
Mister Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way Nicolas Tereshchenko
Soft Cover, 301 pp. More Detail
Kesdjan Publishing, Austin, TX, 2003
Book Condition: Very Good. Cover appears as new except for a light crease at the front corner, some inked underlining.
ID: 7369
Price: $140.00
The Pursuit of the Present: Journal of Twenty Years in the Gurdjieff Work Henri Thomasson
First Edition. Hard Cover, 205 pp.; Rina Hands, trans. More Detail
Two Rivers Press, Aurora, OR, 1980
Book Condition: Book: Very Good+. Tight binding, light staining to linen boards, pages unmarked. DJ: Missing.
ID: 2594
Price: $58.00
On Gurdjieff Garrrett Thomson
First Edition, Soft Cover, 91 pp. More Detail
Wadsworth Publishing, South Melbourne, 2003
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 7377
Price: $16.00
Quotations from G. I. Gurdjieff's Teaching: A Personal Companion, Revised Edition M. W. Thring
Soft cover, 388 pp. More Detail
Luzac Oriental, Oxford, UK, 2002
Book Condition: Good+. Tight copy, clean cover, some inked underlines, most pages unmarked.
ID: 7384
Price: $26.00
The Power Within: Leon MacLaren, A Memoir of His Life and Work Dorine Tolley
Soft Cover, pp. 354 More Detail
BookSurge Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 2008
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 2932
Price: $17.00
Essentials Jean Toomer
Hardcover, 90 pp. More Detail
Hill Street Press, Athens, GA, 1999
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Slight bumping to spine, else as new. DJ: Near Fine. Clean, small closed tear at flap.
ID: 7152
Price: $40.00
The Collected Poems of Jean Toomer Jean Toomer
Soft Cover, 111 pp.; Robert B. Jones and Margery Toomer Latimer, eds. More Detail
University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 1988
Book Condition: Fine. Slight edgewear, unmarked pages.
ID: 7235
Price: $36.00
The Real Question Remains: Gurdjieff: A Living Call Henri Tracol
Soft Cover, 228 pp. More Detail
Morning Light Press, Sandpoint, ID , 2009
Book Condition: Fine. Slight shelfwear to the cover with clean, unmarked pages.
ID: 7399
Price: $20.00
The Taste for Things That Are True: Essays and Talks by a Pupil of G. I. Gurdjieff Henri Tracol
Soft Cover, 137 pp. More Detail
Element, Rockport, MA, 1994
Book Condition: Fine. Cover and spine appear as new, unmarked pages, a single dog-ear and price sticker on the back cover.
ID: 7425
Price: $46.00
Toward Awakening: An Approach to the Teaching Left by Gurdjieff Jean Vaysse
Hardcover, 159 pp.; Foreword by John Pentland More Detail
Morning Light Press, Sandpoint, ID, 2009
Book Condition: Book: As New. Appears unread, pristine pages. DJ: Fine. Slight shelfwear, else as new.
ID: 7475
Price: $26.00
Gurdjieff: An Approach to His Ideas Michel Waldberg
Soft Cover, 158 pp.; Steve Cox, trans. More Detail
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1981
Book Condition: Very Good. Tight copy with clean pages.
ID: 7284
Price: $10.00
A Study of Gurdjieff's Teaching Kenneth Walker
Soft Cover, 221 pp. More Detail
Award Books, New York, 1969
Book Condition: Fair. Considerable wear to cover and spine, pages fanned but unmarked, some dog ears.
ID: 7242
Price: $32.00
I Talk of Dreams: An Experiment in Autobiography Kenneth Walker
Hardcover, 219 pp. More Detail
Jonathan Cape, London, 1946
Book Condition: Good+. Clean boards, tight binding, bumping, shelfwear, text block tanned, pages unmarked. Walker's autobiography is a dive into his many "I"s that appeared in working with G. I. Gurdjieff.
ID: 7337
Price: $22.00
Venture With Ideas Kenneth Walker
Hardcover, 192 pp. More Detail
Samuel Weiser, New York, 1972
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Gilt spine title, black boards, unmarked pages. DJ: Good. Some scuffing and edgewear. Not price-clipped.
ID: 7096
Price: $28.00
The Harmonious Circle: The Lives and Work of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky and Their Followers James Webb
First Edition. Hard Cover, 608 pp. More Detail
G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1980
Book Condition: Book: Fine. Clean black boards with gilt spine title, slight bumping, tight binding, bright unmarked pages, black and white photographs. DJ: Very Good+. Light shelfwear, small open tears at head of spine, not price-clipped. Now mylar covered.
ID: 5944
Price: $70.00
The Harmonious Circle: The Lives and Work of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky, and Their Followers James Webb
Soft Cover, 608 pp. More Detail
Shambhala, Boston, 1987
Book Condition: Good+. Clean cover, wear to spine, pages are bright and unmarked.
ID: 7443
Price: $40.00
Paris Was a Woman: Portraits from the Left Bank Andrea Weiss
First Edition. Soft Cover, 256 pp. More Detail
Harper San Francisco, San Francisco, 1995
Book Condition: Good. Slightly cocked, creased spine, unmarked pages.
ID: 7531
Price: $8.00
Gurdjieff: The Key Concepts Sophia Wellbeloved
Softcover, 271 pp. More Detail
Routledge, New York, 2003
Book Condition: Very Good. Clean covers, some underlining, most pages unmarked.
ID: 7536
Price: $30.00
From Atlantis to the Sphinx: Recovering the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient World Colin Wilson
Hardcover, 370 pp. More Detail
Fromm International Publishing, New York, 1997
Book Condition: Book: Near Fine. Clean, tight binding, slight shelfwear, inked underlines to six pages only. DJ: Near Fine.
ID: 7342
Price: $12.00
The Occult: A History Colin Wilson
First American Edition. Hardcover, 601 pp. More Detail
Random House, New York, 1971
Book Condition: Book: Fine. A solid, clean copy with tight binding and unmarked pages. DJ: Good. Open and closed tears to head of spine, price clipped. Mylar protected.
ID: 7525
Price: $29.00
The Strange Life of P. D. Ouspensky Colin Wilson
Softcover, 5.25 x 8.5, 143 pp. More Detail
Aquarian/Thorsons, London, 1993
Book Condition: Very Good. Bright cover, some edgewear, tight binding, pages sunned, clean and crisp.
ID: 1789
Price: $12.00
Three Essays: The Teachings of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky: The Fourth Way Stella Wirk
Soft Cover, 13 pp. More Detail
Eureka Editions, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1993 First Edition
Book Condition: As New.
ID: 5746
Price: $11.00
To Make a New Race: Gurdjieff, Toomer, and the Harlem Renaissance Jon Woodson
Soft Cover, 202 pp. More Detail
University Press of Mississippi; Jackson, MS; 1999
Book Condition: As New. Appears unread.
ID: 2039
Price: $19.00
The Struggle Within Olgivanna Lloyd Wright
Soft Cover, 176 pp. More Detail
Horizon Press, New York, 1955
Book Condition: Good-. Creased spine, slightly cocked, some soiling to top text block, pages clean and unmarked.