The Phallus: Sacred Symbol of Male Creative Power
by Alain Daniélou
Photographs, illustrations, 117 pp.
Celebrating the masculine symbol of creative energy in the religious traditions of East and West, Daniélou surveys its expression through the phallic Neolithic amulets, obelisks and the ithyphallic pharaohs, mukha lingams of India, and European standing stones. Considered also are diverse mythologies of the Celts (Cernunnos, the Horned God, Greek [Pan, Hermes, Priapus] and Hindus [Ardhanarishhvara, the androgyne]). Manifestation of the creator, a source of bliss and transcendence, Daniélou argues, the phallus must assume this symbolic role again, if the link to the divine is not to be sundered.
Price: $20.00