Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way: From Selves to Individual Self to The Self By William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 2 hours 35 minutes More Detail
William Patrick Patterson, a leading exponent and teacher of The Fourth Way, the ancient, sacred, seminal teaching of self-development, explores: Images of God. Bioplasmic machines. Science of Being. Egyptian Mysteries. Nature's trick. Many selves. Self-love's duality. Owning. Futurizing. Historicizing. Ray of Creation. States of Consciousness. Key practices. Embodiment. Direct impressions. Inner space. Self-knowledge and Being. Levels of Understanding. Using ordinary life to come to real life.
Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way Vol. 2: The Movement From Sex To Love By William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 3 hours More Detail
William Patrick Patterson probes and explores: instinctual, emotional, formatory-mental love, conscious love, divine love, real relationship. Falling in and out love, bio-plasmic machines, false unity, sex as physical, emotional; conscious intimacy, passing beyond gender, exchange of vibration-substance, reciprocal maintenance. Eating and being eaten, futurizing, historizing, past living the present. Embodiment. Self-observation, self-listening, inner space. Origin of the Universe, its harmony and needed disharmony, being-Partkdolg-duty, conscience, esoteric religion.
Price: $19.95
Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way Vol. 3: What Is the Meaning of Human Life on the Planet Earth? By William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 3 hours More Detail
Filmed during a weekend seminar with William Patrick Patterson exploring in depth Gurdjieff's question of "What is the sense and significance of life on Earth and human life, in particular?" the Dialogue sessions probe the primary purpose of organic life on Earth, the receiving, processing and transmitting of energies, the developing and undeveloped image of God, vibratory electrical beings, societal beliefs of having an indivisible I and a soul, the "I"-of-the-moment, Adam's power to name animals, perfectly imperfect, living one's suffered truth, conscious egotist, Kesdjan body, esoteric Christianity, a Christianity before Christ, religion as wholeness, the teaching of our time, Consciousness without objects.
Price: $19.95
Complete Trilogy: The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Part I, II, III: Gurdjieff in Egypt, Gurdjieff's Mission, Gurdjieff's Legacy Created and narrated by William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 226 total minutes More Detail
The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Part I — Gurdjieff in Egypt: The Origin of Esoteric Knowledge Created and narrated by William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 60 minutes More Detail
Winner of the WorldFest 2000 Gold Award
Follows Gurdjieff's search for pre-sand Egypt beginning with the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, to Thebes and the Temple in Man and Karnak, to the Valley of the Kings, the Temples of Edfu and Abu Simbel, and into Ethiopia where he unexpectedly discovers the origin of the ancient teaching of The Fourth Way.
Having read all of Gurdjieff's works, the new conclusions in this video were a revelation, and yet I understood their rightness. It was shocking to learn about things in his books that I had read but never before noticed or had overlooked-they were right there all along. The perceptions offered in Gurdjieff in Egypt are immense. I also found astonishing the new evidence of the Sphinx's date of carving that goes so far back in antiquity that it took geologists to see and prove it. Such a different picture of these early Egyptians from the usual, such a high civilization. This video brings these ancient peoples, our "spiritual ancestors," and many ideas to life. It's also beautifully done and enjoyable to watch.
—Karata Swahibu
"GURDJIEFF IN EGYPT IS ONE OF THE MOST UNUSUAL VIDEOS I—or the other Convergence staff—have ever seen. I have watched it at least four times and could probably watch it as many times more, learning something new with each viewing. The narrator, William Patrick Patterson, follows the track of G.I. Gurdjieff to the origin of ancient teachings, the basis of the esoteric teachings behind the perennial wisdom, to ancient, pre-sand Egypt.
"Patterson draws the viewer into the esoteric meaning of many of the great treasures of the temples of ancient Egypt, decoding the art, architecture, hieroglyphics, and statuary. He brings particular understanding to the relationship between Horus and Set and the essential tension that binds light to dark, the spiritual to the material. He also comes to the astounding conclusion that prehistoric Egypt was Christian in its teachings, principles and ideas, many thousands of years before the actual birth of Christ. Highly recommended for the serious student."
—Virginia K. Slayton, Editor, Convergence Magazine
The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Part II — Gurdjieff's Mission: Introducing The Teaching to the West, 1912–1924 Created and narrated by William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 80 minutes More Detail
Winner of the WorldFest 2002 Gold Special Jury Award for Outstanding Excellence
Shot on site in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Constantinople, London, Fontainebleau-en-Avon, New York and Lascaux, this documentary video—narrated by William Patrick Patterson and based on his book Struggle of the Magicians—retraces Gurdjieff's mission to introduce the teaching to the West. P.D. Ouspensky's and J.G. Bennett's enigmatic relationship with Gurdjieff are explored. Particularly stressed are the "St. Petersburg Conditions" and Gurdjieff's technique of "divine acting." The video vividly demonstrates Gurdjieff's warning to America of the rise and challenge of the East with footage recalling the 9/11 attack and its aftermath. Only available at this site.
"I not only liked it, I admired it. It's a first-rate documentary from a technical and artistic angle, but more importantly it succeeds in vivifying and condensing without distorting what is-of course-a very important story. Moreover, it acts as a useful teaching vehicle; and for some people it may be their first introduction to a few of the ideas discussed, and to the Gurdjieff/de Hartmann music."—Jeffrey Zaleski, Reviews Editor, Publishers Weekly
The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, Part III — Gurdjieff's Legacy: Establishing The Teaching in the West, 1924–1949 Created and narrated by William Patrick Patterson
DVD, color, 86 minutes More Detail
Winner of the WorldFest 2003 Gold Special Jury Award for Outstanding Excellence
"For years now, Patrick Patterson has been the most interesting and substantial of Gurdjieff's biographers. Gurdjieff's Legacy is absolutely gripping, and the best yet." —Colin Wilson, author, The War Against Sleep
Shot on site in Paris, Avon, Mont. St. Michel, Lascaux, London, New York, and New Haven, the documentary traces Gurdjieff's life from his near-fatal car crash through to his giving meetings during the Nazi-occupation of Paris to his death in 1949. Examined in depth are the writing of his Legominism All and Everything and his relationships with Orage, Ouspensky and Bennett. Also included is the Rope and his final trip to the Caves of Lascaux.
Owing to the circumstances of my life not dependent on me, I have not personally seen the grave where the body of my dear father lies. . . . I therefore, bid any of my sons, whether by blood or in spirit, to seek out, when he has the possibility, this solitary grave.
—G. I. Gurdjieff Meetings with Remarkable Men
William Patrick Patterson undertook a 21-day pilgrimage to visit Mr. Gurdjieff's father's grave in Gyumri, Armenia. Travelling backward in time, he revisited Gurdjieff's life:
Gurdjieff's grave and the Prieuré in Avon, France
Kumbaraci and Yemenici streets in Istanbul, where Gurdjieff and his students lived
Prinkipo Island on the Sea of Marmara, where Gurdjieff often visited P. D. Uspenskii
Tiflis, where Gurdjieff opened his Institute at 22 Nikolas Street and first named it the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man
Kars, Gurdjieff's home in the medieval quarter and the Kars Military Cathedral where he sang in the choir
Ani, the ancient city where the Sarmoung manuscript was discovered
Sanahin Monastery, Armenia, where Gurdjieff served as an acolyte
Gyumri, Armenia, where Gurdjieff was born in the Greek Quarter at 222 Matnishyan Street
Gyumri's Old Cemetery and Mr. Gurdjieff's father's grave